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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Santa Claus Worm on Yahoo, AOL & MSN Messenger There is a new Grinch which has been unleashed on the web with Christmas just being...
Zawodny & Mayer : Yahoo’s Towers of Power Webmaster Radio ( is hosting a new radio show with none other than Jeremy Zawodny and Tim...
Google Acquisitions : Papers, Employees & Patents Bill Slawski of and Cre8asite Forums (you know, the guy with 10,000 forum responses and who’s always...
Yahoo Search Open Shortcuts in Beta On the Yahoo Search Blog, Don Chennavasin and Lalgudi Kannan have announced a new Yahoo Shortcuts tool which lets...
Yahoo Free Submit Your Site Broken If you have been trying to submit your site to the Yahoo! Submit Your Site form, you are probably...
Search Engine Blog Awards To Be Announced Wednesday December 20th The reader voting for the 2005 Search Engine Blog Awards is finished and the Search...
Matt Cutts : Google & SEO Interviews 2005 may be remembered as the year of the Green Chicken for some, and the year of Paris...
Google Landing Page Quality Rankings & Organic SEO I saw this a couple days ago but didn’t give it much thought until an idea occurred... Search Engine Offers Insider Pages Reviews & Advertising has been building some strong partnerships over the last three months, including new partners in...
Yahoo Sponsored Listings Getting Face Lift An email went out last night to all Yahoo! Search Marketing (Overture) customers notifying them of new changes to...
Google Buying 5% of AOL for $1 Billion In something of a surprise, Google is set to buy 5% of America Online from Time Warner...
Google GMail on the SONY PSP The Sony Playstation Portable (Sony PSP) is the #1 item on my Christmas list this year and today some...
Opera Browser Denies Google Takeover Yesterday there were some rumors floating around about a highly regarded source (with old connections to Yahoo! Search Engine) talked...
Google GMail Mobile and New Features One day there may be an official phobia related to fear of email in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...
Google Music Search & Google’s Vertical Push Google is introducing a new music feature according to Reuters and SEW. When users search for, say Madonna...
Yahoo Search Engine Plans New Update Another Yahoo Search Engine index update has been announced by Tim Mayer on the Yahoo Search Blog. Tim writes...
Google Opera Acquisition Rumor Makes Sense There is a rumor floating around today that Google may be acquiring the Opera browser (and its 1% market...
AOL to Drop Google AdWords For MSN adCenter? Last week, during the SES show, I heard the rumors about the possibility that AOL will be... and Looksmart’s Furl Power Local Search Tagging and LookSmart have partnered to add LookSmart’s bookmarking, tagging & archiving technology (somewhat similar to...
StepUp Local Shopping Search Gets $6.6 Million in Funding StepUp Commerce, Inc, a net based local shopping service, has closed a $6.6 million funding round...
Google Fights Paid Links While Yahoo Defends Them (Sort Of) While Google’s Matt Cutts is on a campaign to eradicate all unnatural linking, Yahoo!’s Jeremy...
Technorati Explore & Feedburner FeedFlare : Blog News Colbert Low has the low-down on Technorati’s new hot topic search engine, Technorati Explore. Colbert posts on...
MSN and MCI Offering VOIP PC to Phone Calling Microsoft’s MSN has stepped up with its plans for VOIP outbound calling and has followed Yahoo,...
Yahoo Spins Konfabulator into Yahoo! Widget Engine Yahoo! recently acquired the Konfabulator application, which let the users run small applications known as widgets independently on...
AOL Search 2005 Popular Terms : Paris Hilton, Lottery & Thomas the Tank Engine AOL Search has put out a rather extensive list of top...
Matt Cutts on Blogs, Google, SEO & RSS : Performancing Nick Wilson of Performancing recently had the chance to corner “Senior Google Engineer and Webmaster...
Alexa Web Search Platform Wow. I was checking out the Amazon web services homepage for some affiliate stuff and noticed there were some new Alexa...
Mozilla Firefox 1.5 & Security Bug Mozilla has issued a security advisory to the users of its newest browser, Firefox 1.5 about this bug, which...
Tempe Arizona, Another Municipality, Goes Wi-Fi As recently as this spring (or summer if you consult the Pew report), there were skeptics arguing that broadband...
Blog Ads, MSNBC and the Porn Valley Advertisement As I’m sure many of our readers have noticed, there is currently (as of 10:09 EST 12/12/2005)...