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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Microsoft Acquires Foldershare for Windows Live Microsoft acquired FolderShare, a file sharing and synchronization system, with plans of integration into Windows Live ( FolderShare lets...
Google Desktop 2 Out of Beta, Adds Maps Interestingly, Google has started taking some of their services out of Beta stage for practical usage. The...
Ask Jeeves Updates Desktop Search Ask Jeeves has updated its Desktop Search offering which it says will make it faster to find files on the...
Google Print Live with “Public Domain Books” So Google Print now has what is called “Public Domain Books” in its index. The Google blog calls...
Google Patent : Organic Results Ranked by User Profiling Google has filed for an organic search patent, termed Personalization of placed content ordering in search...
Vivísimo Powers Bio-ITWorld Life Sciences Search Engine Vivísimo, the cluster search technology force behind Clusty, and Bio-It World, Inc. have rolled out the Vivísimo Velocity...
Vertical Search B2B Search Engine : Search is becoming more vertical by the day, as user demanded expectations of relevancy and time saving capabilities...
Nokia’s Open Source Mobile Browser Nokia has launched a new Safari influenced open source browser for their Smartphone S60 platform. The new open code based...
MSN Search Quick to Index. Quick to Spam? A thread at WebmasterWorld named 8 days to list new pages – impressive! got me thinking. The...
Wikipedia in Print? Move over Britannica, Wikipedia is now the hottest keyword in town. The open source online encyclopedia might get a print edition if...
Google Base & Froogle Feeds : Just an Exercise? Brian Smith of Comparison Engines wonders outloud why Google would be launching their feed and spreadsheet...
Yahoo Marketing Yahoo Search in its Google Results Yahoo is testing a clever marketing tactic in its search results outside of the United States. If...
MSN Windows Live is Dead on Firefox MSN put into Beta testing today with its portal of RSS aggregation, My Web, Mail and custom...
Microsoft Office Live To Be Advertising Supported Microsoft is going to be offering a ‘live’ hosted version of MS Office, dubbed Office Live, which may...
Oodle Adds Local Classifieds Search in 23 New Markets Just as the local classified search market begins to heat up, Oodle has expanded into 23...
Local Matters Acquires AreaGuides Local content aggregator and affiliate network has been acquired by Denver-based Local Matters. This is the first consumer-facing property in...
Effective Link Building : Reputation Management Today I want to look at other things you should be considering when you are doing your link building:...
Google AdSense Responds to Smart Pricing Talk JenSense stirred up quite a controversy surrounding Google AdSense and AdSense Smart Pricing with the report of a...
Apple iTunes Hits One Million Video Sales Strike up another win for Apple’s iTunes as the entertainment download store as issued a statement that over...
Country Specific Searches and Paid Search Ads A very interesting featured thread at Search Engine Watch forums named Google places “Dummy Bidders” in Regional Search...
Sprint’s Wireless Music Store for Cell Phones Sprint today joined iTunes & Cingular in the mobile music download market as they launched their wireless music...
Google and IBM Partner for Search IBM and Google are now working together in a strange bedfellows sort of way with their new agreement in...
Google the Agency, Google the Network Here’s a fairly comprehensive piece from the NY Times’ Saul Hansell, reviewing Google’s model, history and speculating about its...
SEO Bytes : Tracking SEO Forum Threads WebmasterWorld, DigitalPoint, Site Point, SEO Chat, Search Engine Watch, Cre8aSite, High Rankings.. etc. The amount of search engine...
Getting Delisted From DMOZ Sure, webmasters may have no problems being delisted or ‘banned’ by Google due to some redirects or canoncial URLS, but when...
High Rankings Search Engine Marketing Workshop in Philly This is a bit short notice but if you live on the East Coast and can make...
Anti-Spyware Coalition Defines Spyware Guidelines The Anti-Spyware Coalition (ASC), an alliance of technology companies and public interest groups, unveiled its final, consensus definition of spyware,...
iPhone : Yellow Pages & Local Search on the Telephone Teledex has introduced a Local Search readied telephone for the hotel industry which lets hotel...
Payday Loans Challenged by FTC Top Rankings An FTC issued consumer alert on payday loans titled “Payday Loans = Costly Cash” enjoys the #1 spot...
Meta Search Engine Sold for $101,000 on eBay Remember Jux2, the award winning meta search engine which was jetisoned by its owners who are focusing...