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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Inform – News Aggregation Supersite Launches Today next-generation news aggregation site Inform unveiled itself. I spoke to CEO Neal Goldman a couple of weeks ago...
Skype Names Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft as Threat Skype, the company which made VoIP usable and cool and the latest acquisition of the internet giant...
AOL Launching Blog Search This Week In a month where Google and Yahoo have both added blog search appetizers to their search menus, AOL is...
Translating Google’s Privacy Policy Privacy may not have been much of a controversy with Google 6 years ago when they were only performing web searches...
Google Wallet Coming Soon to a Pocket Near Year? Gary has found some speculative evidence that Google Wallet or Some Other Google Payment System Getting...
Google Offers Search History Tags Oh so quietly Google added a tagging feature to their My Search History product. I believe Google will eventually find...
Google Auctions to Rival eBay and Yahoo? Google is reportedly sending 600 workers in engineering and support to a new location in the Phoenix area...
Yahoo Adds Blogs to News Search Here’s Yahoo!’s new and improved news search with a dash of blog search. (This is probably not a full-blown...
Google’s Matt Cutts Interviewed by Aaron Wall Aaron Wall of got the chance to conduct an interview with Google’s Matt Cutts, Google Search Engineer,...
MSN AdCenter Wants Small and Medium Businesses for Beta This was posted on MSN’s Search Blog: As you know, we launched MSN adCenter –our next...
Yahoo Podcast Directory In what may be a fun filled week of Yahoo announcements, Yahoo has launched its answer to Odeo, Yahoo Podcast. Yahoo Podcast...
Yahoo Search Marketing Changing Ad Copy A thread at WebmasterWorld named Does Yahoo Change Your Ad Copy? discusses a annoyance some advertisers are having with...
Topix ‘Contextual News’ Links Newspaper-owned news aggregation site Topix, which has a number of third-party, local news distribution deals with the likes of AOL and...
Google AdWords Customers to Target Specific AdSense Pages (Not Just Sites) Reported over at Search Engine Watch Forums, AdWords Now Allows Targeting Ads To Sections...
Google Reader – Google’s RSS Feed Aggregator? Eric Baillargeon found a new subdomain at Google which may be a hint to their newest offering (yes,...
Adware – Rogue Affiliates – The Hidden Money Trail PCWorld has just published a very long and enlightening article about Adware and Spyware and how...
Yahoo’s Semel: ‘Google Has No Plan’ AP’s Mike Liedtke, covering Web 2.0 in San Francisco this week, wrote a piece in which he quoted Yahoo!...
Google Advertising Patents for Behavioral Targeting, Personalization and Profiling Google filed two patents this week dealing with ad targeting based on user search history behavior...
More on the Google Sun Microsystems Deal Yesterday, Google Inc. CEO Eric Schmidt and Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy held a mid-morning press conference to...
Fake Google & Yahoo Spyware Scammers Busted by FTC The FTC is clamping down on spyware companies. These guys contribute to the growing need for...
Some Google AdSense Publishers Must Wait Another Month for Payment JenSense reports that AdSense error means many publishers must wait until NEXT payment cycle for...
Google Mashup: Google Maps + Google Local Google has brought Local out of beta and combined it with the surprisingly popular Google Maps in a...
AOL’s AIM Presence for Networking and Blog Communication AOL is working with some blogging, networking, and podcasting communities to integrate AIM “presence” into their systems...
Former Ask Jeeves Employee Wants to Save Jeeves There were quotes and statements leading to the dropping of Jeeves the Butler from Ask shortly after...
Google Appoints Princeton University President Shirley M. Tilghman, Ph.D., to Board of Directors Shirley M. Tilghman, Princeton University’s President and Professor of Molecular Biology, was...
Yahoo Hiring Blogmaster for Yahoo Search Marketing Blog Two pieces of search and blog related news here from Yahoo. First, Yahoo Search Marketing will be...
AOL Buying Weblogs Inc Blog Network AOL is buying Weblogs Inc, the blog media network behind such sites as Engadget, AutoBlog and Luxist. broke...
More ‘Upcoming’ for Yahoo! Local Yahoo! announced that it had acquired (an events calendar that is user-driven). This is going to bolster Yahoo!’s already...
Blinkx Taps MIVA for Blinkx.TV and Toolbar Sponsored Listings Running one of the Internet’s most innovative video search engines can become costly and blinkx.TV, the... Pumps Sales Via Search Engine Optimization, No Paid SEM InternetRetailer ran an article on organic search and the power of trusted content with a...