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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Fazzle Multi-Lingual Meta Search Engine – Spotlight #6 is a meta search engine which is available in English, French, and Dutch. Fazzle searches over...
Google Earth Viewed a Concern by Thailand Security Google launched its Google Earth web service and the offline software with much fanfare. However, the application...
eBay In Acquisition Talks With Skype VOIP First it was Yahoo, then Murdoch’s News Corp, now eBay is rumored to be interested in a Skype...
Google Geico Trademark Suit Settled Out of Court CNN reports the remainder of the landmark trademark case between GEICO and Google was settled out of...
Verdict Expected in Google Microsoft Court Battle Lawyers for Google and Microsoft have made their closing arguments and a court verdict is expected today in...
Wikipedia Traffic Booms to New York Times Traffic Levels Hitwise, via Reuters, reports that Wikipedia’s traffic has grown 154 percent during the past year. It...
Steve Ballmer Attending Google’s 7th Birthday Party? Not much to write about this, but just wanted to wish a happy birthday to Google, which just...
Yahoo’s Safe Harbor For Phishing Sites Know those damn emails that clog up your inbox saying that Paypal is Going to Cancel Your Account or...
Yahoo Helped China Imprison Journalist Says Reporters Without Borders According to a report released by Reports Without Borders (Reporters sans frontieres) Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong,...
Andy Beal is Back with Andy Beal RAW Andy Beal, one of the most respected and downright coolest hounddogs in the search engine world, has...
Google Talk Goes Wireless with MessageVine It was only a matter of time before someone took Google Talk wireless. MessageVine today announced the release of...
Personal Checks Search – One of the beauties of the vertical search engine is the ability to center the entire search service around one...
MSN Search Tracking Clicks A little bird emailed this morning to inform Search Engine Journal that MSN Search (which seems to be very slow today)...
Sony PSP and Google Search – Follow Up On Friday I wrote about how Sony PSP was featuring Google Search in its Japanese television commercials...
Kazaa Broke Copyright Law Rules Australian Court Kazaa users are in violation of Australian copyright law said an Australian court on Monday. The Australian Federal...
Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer to “F*cking Kill Google” Taking a page from the Bob Knight school of anger management and business etiquette, upon learning that Mark...
Apple iTunes Motorola Phone Details More details on the Apple iPod Motorola phone (iPhone?) have been unleashed as Apple and Motorola reportedly are expected to...
Sony PSP Commercials Feature Google Search Sony PSP commercials in Japan are featuring the ability to search Google using the PSP as Sony’s Portable Playstation...
Donate Advertising Space – Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina Victims We’re aware that the majority of the Search Engine Journal’s readers are webmasters or site...
Google Local Hustles in China Google has launched a Chinese version of Google Local for residents of the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese Google...
Hurricane Katrina Catastrophe and Google Earth Satellite Images The destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, New Orleans and surrounding states has been,...
FoodieView Recipe Search Engine – Spotlight #3 The third search engine in the Spotlight of 500 Search Engines is a nifty recipe search engine called...
Hey Yahoo, Google and MSN – School Kids Use Search Engines Too One week left. That’s it. One week from the time this piece is...
TorrentSpy BitTorrent Search Engine – Spotlight #2 TorrentSpy is a BitTorrent search engine which indexes torrent files available online and from users who offer such...
SEOBook Blogger Sued Over Comments Seeking Legal Donations August was one hell of a month for Aaron Wall, who was sued by the dodgy Traffic-Power...
Mozdex Open Source Search Engine – Spotlight #1 I’ve been following Mozdex for about a year or so after meeting its owner, Byron Miller, on...
Search Engine Journal’s Spotlight of 500 Search Engines Search Engine Journal has now been in existence for over two years now and we’ve been having...
60% of Google’s Blogger Blogs Spam Blogs A test from Google Blogscoped indicates that 60% of all blogs hosted on Google’s Blogger domain are...
Evolution of Search Engine Marketing The world of search engine marketing (SEM) is in constant evolution. With increased numbers of search engines, and evolution in...
How to Make Use of Google SiteMaps Personally, I have not set up a Google SiteMap on any of my sites yet, well, because of...