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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Microsoft Teleo Acquisition Spells Advanced MSN VOIP Microsoft’s MSN most likely will be joining Yahoo, Google, and Skype with its own VOIP (Voice Over Internet...
Apple iTunes Cell Phone or Video iPod? Apple has scheduled a rather large announcement for next week which may bring the most popular music download...
Yahoo Mail Upgrading Search and Mail Features According to Brad Hill at the Unofficial Yahoo Blog (not to be confused with the Unofficial Google blog,...
Much Ado About Google PageRank There are those in our industry who will tell you that PageRank is dead. I’ve been reading a lot lately...
Google Talk Spins Google in New Direction Since Google Talk launched last week the focus of a lot of discussions about the Internet giant have...
Affiliate Product Landing Pages – Three Tactics That Sell Today’s “Affiliate Industry Watch” newsletter includes a pretty good article with tips for building 3 types...
RealPages Yellow Pages Gets 20 Million Searches in July Want proof local search is growing beyond Yahoo Local and Google Local, look at the Internet...
Technorati and Newsweek Partner for Blog Roundup – Yeehaw! Technorati and Newsweek are now working together to bring blog posts and links to relevant blog...
Google Sued By Soft Porn Site Perfect 10 Over Copyrighted Photos Google is being sued by adult magazine (soft porn) publisher Perfect 10 due to...
Flickr Extensions for Firefox – Flickbar and FlickrFox For those of you who have Flickr photo blogging and sharing accounts and use the Firefox browser,...
MSN Testing Simple Search Oriented Homepage MSN is beta testing a new homepage which takes a simplistic approach to marketing MSN services, MSN Search, and...
Dude, Where’s My Yahoo Search Marketing? During a week dominated by Google news the Yahoo camp has been a bit quiet, especially over at Yahoo...
AOL News More Popular Than Google News and Topix Combined Search Engine Watch published an interesting overview by Greg Jarboe of the popularity of AOL...
Former Ask Jeeves International Honcho Now InfoSearch Media CEO InfoSearch Media (TrafficLogic – the company based around selling optimized content) has brought in former members...
Google Developing Global Video Conferencing Google is looking for a Sr. Video Conferencing Engineer to develop a digital video conferencing application for Google to roll...
Google Speaks Loudly with Google Talk Over the past 12 hours Google has taken over the major search and tech news resources with the launch...
Yahoo Search Marketing and Viacom Contract for Web Advertising Yahoo and Viacom have sealed an agreement where Yahoo Search Marketing ads will be shown across...
Skype Opens Up With Google Talk and Yahoo VOIP Competition Google Talk has been hogging both the search and messaging spotlights over the past 24...
Google Talk Instant Messenger is Finally Here After an almost unprecendented frenzy of speculation Google Talk is live. What is it? It’s an IM client...
Is Google Talk Instant Messaging Video Related? The boys at Google plan to launch a web communications tool on Wednesday which is going to be...
Google Talk Already Exists? Little did I know upon writing an overview of the rumors and leaks leading to the launch of Google’s anticipated IM...
Google Talk – Instant Messaging and VOIP App from Google? When Google talks, the world listens. People get ready to open your ears, because Google...
Ask Jeeves Interested in Grouper File Sharing Om Malik spills the beans that Ask Jeeves is looking into acquiring Grouper the peer to peer file...
Google Loses Market Share in July, Yahoo and MSN Gain The monthly number of internet searches in July 2005 reached an astounding 4.8 billion, a...
Search Engine Marketers Yahoo Fantasy Football League In the spirit of networking and getting to know one another, a Yahoo Fantasy Football league has been...
Amazon Partners with Shutterfly for Digital Photo Store and Shutterfly have partnered to bring Shutterfly’s digital photo services to Amazon’s customer base. Amazon and...
MSN Search Slows Over Zealous RSS News Bot At Search Engine Journal we’ve been noticing some weird increases in our bandwidth lately and perhaps this...
Monitoring AdSense Earnings on Google Sidebar One of the coolest things about Google’s Sidebar application is that it is open to adding plug-ins; created by...
Google Desktop Sidebar – Toolbar Meets Browser I got an opportunity to preview Google’s version 2 of its desktop client (GD2) late last week. It’s...
Look into Google News Technology Amit Agarwal put together a great overview of Google News Technology on his Digital Inspiration blog. Here are some snippets...