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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Yahoo and Google Targeting VOIP Technology There were two interesting pieces of news recently that may help to define the future plans of Google and...
Google Should Buy… John Battelle points to an interesting piece at Kuro5hin, “a tech/culture site,” which reviews Google’s past acquisitions and about who/what the company...
Microsoft and China Censoring Blogs Microsoft is censoring the use of words “democracy,” “human rights”, “Taiwan independence” and other terms on the Chinese version of...
Search Engine Roundtable Wins Marketing Sherpa’s Best Blog on Search Marketing 2005 Congratulations to Barry Schwartz and Search Engine Roundtable for winning the Marketing Sherpa’s...
IFILM and Form Video Search Partnership blinkx today announced an agreement with IFILM, to provide video content to users. Under the terms of...
Skype Voicemail Lets VOIP Users Leave Messages Skype Voicemail was launched this week on the popular VOIP network. Skype Voicemail allows customers to continually maintain...
Michael Jackson Acquittal Makes Yahoo News Before Google While finishing up a day’s work today and listening to the radio to hear the jury’s decision...
Financial Times Selling Invisible Spam Links Aaron Wall of SEO reports that the Financial Times is practicing some black hat SEO techniques that would...
‘Closing the Loop’ with Online Shopping Articles today in the WSJ and Friday in the DM News argue that the recent acquisitions of Shopzilla and...
Technorati Launches Redesign Beta Yesterday, Dave Sifry announced the public beta of Technorati’s redesign. I like the new features, but prefer the old design. Technorati...
Evidence of Pay-per-Call Success AOL distribution brings a report of success with Ingenio’s pay-per-call for a Cruise Operator. Calls are ultimately a key to local...
Michael Jackson Suicide Email is a Virus Hoax If you get an email saying the King of Pop has committed suicide, do not open it....
Search Engine Study : Titles Determine Links as Not Relevant Over at Search Engine Watch, Gary Price points out a paper about consumer bias against...
Search Engine Advertising to Reach $5.6 billion in 2005? Search engine shares in Google and Yahoo rose today as analyst forecasts showed that the search...
Search Engine Map Wars Because “war” is the metaphor business journalists like to use for competition and almost everything else. . . welcome to “Map...
AOL SingingFish Video Search Adds CNN, MarketWatch and Other Partners AOL’s Singingfish video & multimedia search engine announced today it will begin featuring optimized video...
Increase Traffic to Your Blog from Search Engines – The Top 5 Tips Blogs already have optimized site architecture. Most are set up with a...
Yahoo and Sprint Partner for Yahoo Mail Mobile Lookout RIM and Blackberry, Sprint and Yahoo are gearing up to bust some competitive action into the...
Tribune Paper Drops Google AdSense for Quigo According to an article that appeared in Editor & Publisher, Tribune Co.’s Newsday has abandoned AdSense in favor...
Adware is Not Always Spyware What is the difference between Adware & Spyware? Adware is considered a legitmate alternative offered to consumers who do not...
Comparing Yahoo and Google Interface Design Yahoo! and Google have almost similar offerings and now the interfaces are also getting closer. Google vs. Yahoo! Interface...
Yahoo Auctions Eliminates Listing and Selling Fees In an effort to grab some marketshare from Ebay, Yahoo has just announced that it is eliminating both...
Scripps Grabs Shopzilla Right on the heels of eBay’s costly acquisition of, Cincinnati-based, “diversified media” company E.W. Scripps buys Shopzilla (formerly BizRate). The price...
Yahoo and Cisco Partner to Fight Spam with DomainKeys Identified Mail Cisco Sytems, Inc and Yahoo are combining efforts to cut down on the amount...
Yahoo Develops PhotoMail Service In what seems to be yet another Internet Explorer only add-on, Yahoo! has introduced an interesting new feature called PhotoMail Service...
ICANN Approves .xxx Domains for Porn ICANN has approved the measure that porn sites will have the right to use a domain name with the...
Google Needs Your Help – Sitemaps Want to improve your website coverage on Google – Read this. Google have started a new service called Google...
How To Record Your Own Podcast Podcasting is a way of publishing sound files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and...
Google Sitemaps for WordPress & Sitemaps XML Michael Nguyen of Social Patterns has been quick to the draw in constructing a script for WordPress which...
Yahoo and Google continue to update SERPs Google’s most recent update is taking longer than usual to complete. As reported here two weeks ago, Google...