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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Yahoo Search Marketing Launched, Farewell Overture Yahoo announced at the Search Engine Strategies conference that they would be rebranding Overture into Yahoo Search Marketing and...
Google GMail Adds RSS Web Clips Google has definately been behind Yahoo when it comes to RSS integration and RSS feed reading with Yahoo adding...
Yahoo! News Beta: Layout & Feature Update Yahoo! has released the URL for the new beta Yahoo! News at A sleeker design and more....
Google Video Team – Can I Ask a Favor? Wow! You have an opportunity to make $$$ from your home videos. Google is now accepting...
Google Testing Customized AdSense Formats Darrne Rowse at Problogger has the scoop where he has discovered that Google Adsense are testing new ad formats. The...
Search Results Pages & Usability A new thread at Cre8asite Forums named The Future of Results Pages? touches on the topic of whether or not...
Google AdSense Tracking Referrals Google’s recent temporal and behavioral patent talks a decent amount about tracking advertising and site visitors. With AdSense they can also... under formal SEC investigation An informal probe of Canadian search engine company, by the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has become a formal...
Yahoo Local Search Listings – Free Sites for the 50% Without More than 10-million US businesses do not have websites. According to the Kelsey Group,...
RIAA Suing Over 400 College Student Internet2 Users for Piracy The RIAA and MPAA have new targets in University students using the Internet2 network to...
RocketInfo Launches Desktop News Search Application Rocketinfo Inc. quietly released a desktop news search tool, the Rocket Desktop 1.1 yesterday which Rocket reports as being...
Google Video is Live – Commence Video Production Boom Google just launched its Video Upload program moments ago after creating some buzz around the video...
Google Takes Local Mobile Earlier today Google publicly released Local for mobile devices. I’m on vacation, so I won’t do anything lengthy. Chris Sherman has...
Yahoo Offers Free Sites to Small Businesses Yahoo offering free sites to SME’s is a potentially big deal, although there were many such free Web...
Claria Targets Advertising with New Analytics Offering Claria (previously rebranded from Gator) today announced that it’s getting into the Web Analytics market with its Web...
Google Video Upload Program – Video Search or Blogging? Google just launched its Video Upload program moments ago after creating some buzz around the video...
Google Intros Local Search To Mobile Users Yesterday Google released two new local services that enable web enabled mobile phone and PDA users to use...
Google Relevancy Poor Based on Generalization Everyman (Google Watch), has been after Google for as long as I can remember. I do not blame him,...
Pay Per Click Fraud – The Inside Story As my readers know I do my best to always write from an impartial viewpoint but when... Powers AOL France’s Shopping Search today announced that it has been selected by the world’s leading interactive service provider, America Online, Inc. to...
Design A Spider Friendly Site To be successful in the search engines it’s important to design your web site with the spiders in mind. Using...
Google Q&A and Query Length Google launched a new feature called “Google Q&A” offering answers to factual questions such as: What is the world’s population?...
Search Engine Watch Forum Reorganization Search Engine Watch forums have been public for about 10 months now. Based on forum activity and the administrators getting... Shopping Search Engine Launches today announced the launch of a new 3.2 billion page shopping index and the introduction of product-focused spell checking.... Improves Blog Search has updated its blog searching capabilities according to Mark Cuban, an investor in the cutting edge search engine. has...
Spammer Sentenced to 9 Years in the Slammer Today a Virginia Judge sentenced convicted spammer Jeremy Jaynes was convicted to nine years in prison today...
Sharing Big Files on the Internet It is not always easy to attach those big files to e-mail messages as the attachment limit for most...
Which Domain Name Should I Register? If you are looking for a domain name for a website, or if you want to invest in domain...
Newspapers and RSS Newsreaders It’s smart for newspapers such as the Tribune Co.’s LA Times, the Denver Post and the UK’s Guardian to set up...
MTV Latest to Deliver TV Content Online Everybody’s doing it. Call it iTV or TV2Web, not to be confused with IPTV. MTV will lauch a...