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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Miracle Blesses eBay A partially eaten piece of a grilled cheese sandwich has become the most talked about item on eBay...
Organic Search Engine Optimization for Large Sites Commercial websites are getting larger. Driven by the rapid evolution of content management systems, shopping carts and e-biz...
MSN and Yahoo’s Overture Extend Paid Search Relationship Yahoo’s Overture is going to continue to serve ads on MSN Search for the next 18 months....
Nokodo Search Engine in Beta Nokodo Search Engine Technologies has opened a public beta for the search engine. All websites, even small/unknown sites, or...
RocketNews Search Engine Adds Personalization The RocketNews current news and weblog search engine has been enhanced with the addition of personalization features. RocketNews is a...
Search Engine Friendly Design and Coding (Especially Flash) Its been almost a year since I attended a session of this nature. I was not too...
History of Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Testing Calum I. Mac Ceod was first up. He discussed how Google used to rank pages (title and...
Paid Inclusion Topics and Issue Greg Boser is the moderator and he introduced the panel. The first man up was Jim Stobb from PositionTech. He...
Design and Coding for the Complete Package – WMW Conf 7 Roger Sooley from CompStar was up first, his forum name is “rogerd”. He first...
WebMasterWorld Conference Coverage I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be attending the WebmasterWorld’s Conference. I hope to be able to provide...
Using the Same Keyword in All Your Backlinks A thread at HighRankings named Backlinks Anchor Text Could Be The Same? discusses if you should try...
Dow Jones Buying MarketWatch for $519 Million Yes Virginia, there is money to be made in web publishing, especially stock market and trading news! The...
Dulance Shopping Search Offers Product RSS Feeds Dulance, Inc. today announced the launch of its comparison shopping service in RSS (Real Simple Syndication) format. Dulance...
blinkx 2.0 with Smart Folders Available Today blinkx, today announced the release of blinkx 2.0, introducing the world’s first Smart Folders and enhancing the functionality...
AOL Enhances Its Google Powered Search Engine Search Engines seems to be going the browser engines way. There are few popular engines and companies are...
MSN Does Not Steal Google Results to Seed New Index Rumorville, conspiracy theory, and over speculation results in crazed forum discussion and a possible slashdot...
Firefox 1.0 Renews Interest in the Browser The Mozilla folks, with apologies to the Monty Python gang, aren’t quite dead yet. They feel happy. They...
Earning from PPC Search Engine Affiliate Programs What are PPC Search Engines? PPC Search Engines are search engines that allow advertisers to list their site...
Choosing Domain Names for Professional Sites A professional or business site is one where the primary purpose of the site is to facilitate business transactions.... Partners with IndustryBrains for Sponsored Links IndustryBrains, which focuses on site specific contextual Pay-Per-Click advertising programs, announced that it has partnered with Entrepreneur Media,...
Web Hosting : Windows vs Linux The Basics of Linux & Windows : Linux (and its close relation Unix) and Windows 2000 (and its close...
Online Holiday Shopping Sales Increase Sharply in 2004 The latest holiday online sales forecast numbers are up and running with predicitions all having online sales...
Google and Mozilla Firefox Working Together Google have hosted a customized Internet Explorer search page for many years now specially designed to act as sidebar...
Google Search Index Booms to 8 Billion Google had something up their sleeve. It seems that whenever a competitor does something big, such as MSN...
Will Microsoft Lose The Browser Wars? Until recently, software giant, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Web browser enjoyed a relatively unchallenged position as the most popular Web...
MSN Beta Search Engine Somewhat Launched It’s finally happened, MSN has launched their new beta test of the autonomous MSN Search – their own search...
Google GMail Opens Up to POP Google wants us to take it as email portability, but I think it as a surprise package that would...
Opera Browser – Firefox Not the Only IE Alternative Security flaws have long plagued Internet Explorer (IE), the market-dominating web browser from Microsoft. IE won...
Dogpile Adding News Headlines announced a deal with InfoSpace to add’s news headlines to InfoSpace’s Dogpile metasearch service, and also to help...
MSN Search to Challenge Google and Yahoo The new MSN Search is a full speed ahead effort for Microsoft to catch Google and Yahoo in...