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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google Plugs GMail Security Hole Google has fixed a security hole in Google GMail, its free invitation only 1GB web mail service. The Google Gmail...
Blog Search Engine Adds MoBlog Search Blog Search Engine and IceRocket Search have partnered to bring cell phone pic blogs, or MoBlogs, into the search...
Local and Shopping Search Are Growing Among Internet Users According to a recent consumer search behavior study conducted by and The Kelsey Group of...
Search Engine Marketing: Outsource or In House? Barry Schwartz is covering the current Search Engine Strategies Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The next Search Engine Strategies...
European Search Landscape – Search Engine Strategies Coverage Barry Schwartz covering the Search Engine Strategies conference from Sweden. I was a bit late getting to...
Google Adds AdWords To Froogle Shopping Feed Google has announced in their Froogle Friends Newsletter that Froogle will be adding an Ad Automator to Froogle...
LookSmart Performs Despite MSN Split and Acquisitions LookSmart more or less broke even last quarter to the surprise of many analysts after LookSmart announced their...
Yahoo Goes Mobile with Search and Images Yahoo yesterday unveiled their latest weapon in the search engine wars with Google and Microsoft – their mobile...
BellSouth’s RealPages to Sell Google AdWords from BellSouth yellow pages and Google today announced an agreement whereby will become the first yellow pages... The King Of Local Search Forget about local search with Google, Yahoo! or MSN. They don’t have a clue. When it comes to great...
Yahoo Search Cleans Cluttered Look Yahoo Search has introduced a Google clone search page but who will see it? If you visit the Yahoo home...
Yahoo Jazzes Up Mobile Search Google SMS started serving search results to mobile users in the US just a few days back. Now Yahoo! follows...
Blogs Are Great for Search Engine Ranking Blogs have had a profound effect on communications and marketing since their development and early adoption but are...
Google and Microsoft Getting Close Microsoft partnering with Google? Well sort of, an article released yesterday details the relationship between the two, and the use...
Google Acquires Satellite Mapping Firm Keyhole After a tip from Andy Beal, I checked out Keyhole Satellite Image mapping and local search tool and absolutely...
Apple Opens EU iTunes, Unveils iPod Photo Apple is still leading the pack in taking a bite out of online music shopping search with the...
Google Market Value Tops Yahoo Google market value surges past $50B, tops Yahoo so now they’re worth more in dollar value than Yahoo. That goes...
Copernic Spins Off Coveo Enterprise Search Copernic Technologies Inc. today announced the creation of a new separate company, Coveo Solutions Inc. The company will focus...
Google Flaws and Fixes There have been many criticisms recently of Google and it’s page rank algorithm. First, to the criticisms of Google itself. Has...
Majority of Home Computers Infected with Spyware Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise, the Internet is not a safe place to take your computer...
Getting Specific With Local Search Engine Optimization Localized search engine optimization is often overlooked as an excellent tool to bring in local traffic to your...
Yahoo and Adobe Partner for Downloads Yahoo and Adobe have partnered to provide more Yahoo Toolbar downloads to Adobe Reader downloaders. Adobe and Yahoo announced...
Microsoft Desktop Search To Compete with Google Google is doing a heck of a job! It led to market leaders (MSN Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail) increase...
Google Shares Surge On Market Forecasts On Friday Google stocks soared up 20 percent on earnings news to trade at over 100% of its lower...
Yahoo Acquires Email Search Developer Stata Labs Yahoo announced on Thursday it has acquired privately held e-mail search company Stata Labs, opening up a new...
Be Careful with Google Desktop Search Google Desktop Search like most Google products makes an awesome first impression. I have tried other desktop search tools,...
Relevancy is the key to the success of all advertising. If your ad conveys the right message at the right time, to the right people,...
Google Reports $805 Million in Gross Revenues for Third Quarter Google (GOOG on the stock market) today announced financial results for the quarter ended Sept....
The Business of Search Engines and Advertising – Look Out! The major search engines are changing the way they do business with the advertising community...., a business search engine (, today announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Inc., the leading online source for global...