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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
A US appeals court ruled this week that a lower tribunal had no right to decide a case brought against US internet giant Yahoo by...
Search Engine Personalization – The Fallout There has been a lot of discussion recently about search engine personalization, with search engines such as Yahoo! and...
Search Engine Giving Away $5 Million in Advertising Search engine hit the Internet today with an unusual marketing approach that matches its unusual advertising...
Search Engine Marketing Issues – Link Popularity For years, “link popularity” and “Google PageRank” have been the talk of the town in the search engine...
Instant Messaging On Rise at Work and Mobile Instant Message use in the workplace and on mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) is on...
Is Google the Next Netscape? To draw a parallel between Netscape & Google in their fight against Microsoft, it is necessary to examine the various...
Google Blesses Blogger Users with AdSense Advertising Blogger, having replaced the default Google powered AdSense ads with a search enhanced Blogger task bar, has recently...
Friendster Names Ex-AOL Executive VP of Sales Friendster today announced that it has named Charles Barrett as Vice President of Sales, effective immediately. Charlie will...
Real Network’s iTunes Price Cutting Bags 1 Million Sales Real Network’s recent price cutting of iPod compatible song downloads may not be bringing profit to...
Ask Jeeves Goes to Japan Ask Jeeves today announced the launch of a beta version of, a new Japanese language Web search engine. Based...
Domain Names Still Important Despite Search Engine Popularity A common belief is that search engines like Google make specific web addresses, that is, Internet domain...
Google IPO and Effect on Venture Capital Industry Will the Google IPO have any impact on the Venture Capital market? FundingPost surveyed 32 Venture Capitalists...
Google Launches Beta Version of GMail Notifier So, there are already a thousand applications out there which notify you of a new email on your...
FaganFinder Search Engine Launches URLinfo Another great tool from Michael Fagan via his already VERY useful Fagan Finder search page. Michael pinged us today to...
Reciprocal Link Scams Reciprocal link scams are on the rise. It is no secret that most search engines count the quantity and quality of incoming...
Surefire Google Adwords Formula Success with Google Adwords isn’t quite as easy as some would have you believe. Still just about anyone who is persistent...
Yahoo Mail Fixes Security Flaws Yahoo reportedly fixed two flaws in Yahoo Mail which had the potential to allow a hacker to read a victim’s...
Google AdWords Dynamic Keyword Insertion Just another tip on improving conversion rates with Google AdWords. When search words appear in a Google ad they are...
Understanding Google AdWords Unlike many search engines Google, to its credit, clearly denotes search listings that are paid placement. In fact, Google AdWords appear in...
Amazon to Purchase Chinese Retailer agreed to buy which is China’s largest online retailer of books, music and videos. The agreed purchase...
Court Rules File Sharing Legal A federal appeals court has upheld a controversial decision which ruled that file sharing software such as Kazaa, Morpheus or...
In Hurricane’s Aftermath, Google is a Priority It wasn’t so much the inability to take a hot shower. It wasn’t the inconvenience of having to...
Yahoo Builds the Yahoo Search Blog When I logged on this morning and checked my daily referral stats I noticed a multiple number of referring...
You Looking For Another Microsoft Outlook Tool Microsoft gobbled up Lookout the other week, an Outlook search tool, but You Software is introducing another option...
Google, WebSideStory, Claria Show Negative IPO Trend The online advertising, search engine marketing, and web analytics markets may be booming, but for companies looking to...
Google Lowers IPO Price, Limits Shares Google’s IPO wasn’t as popular as expected, apparently not as many fish bit at the Dutch Auction bait. Google...
RealNetworks Goes After iPod With Price War RealNetworks on Tuesday halved the prices for downloaded songs to $0.49 to win customers away from Apple Computer’s...
Netscape Browser 7.2 Released by AOL America Online has just released Netscape 7.2. Based on Mozilla 1.7, this latest version features better popup blocking, vCard...
The Google Playboy Interview In Its Entirety The infamous Playboy Interview of Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the Google Guys, is now not only available...
Google IPO Auction to End Tonight Google has requested that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declare the Google IPO registration statement effective at...