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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google Offering A Contextual AdWords Rebate Google has reacted to the amount of AdWords advertisers that have chosen not to do contextual advertising via Google...
Search Engine Marketing Just Somewhat Effective? According to Marketing Sherpa, the biggest surprise in their 2004 Search Marketing Survey results was that neither marketers nor...
HP Releases Linux Laptop Compaq nx5000 Hewlett-Packard (HP) released the Compaq nx5000 to rave reviews yesterday. The Compaq nx5000 is the first HP notebook to...
SoGou Chinese Search Engine – Walkin’ The Search Dog SOHU.COM Inc. today unveiled its all-inclusive, proprietary search engine under the new brand name SoGou, which...
Microsoft’s Bill Gates Open to Buying Nintendo Microsoft has been heading up the search engine news lately, but according to published reports, Bill Gates is...
Ask Jeeves and CitySearch Parter for Local Search Ask Jeeves, Inc. and Citysearch yesterday announced a partnership agreement. Under the agreement, Ask Jeeves, Inc. will...
Google IPO May Come Next Week Rueters, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal are all spreading rumors that the Google IPO bidding will actually take...
Planning the Christmas Shopping Season It is that time of year again folks. As far as the calendar year is concerned, the sun has passed...
Anatomy of a Search Engine Placement Campaign With the tremendous changes seen in the search engine marketplace over the past year, the conduct and techniques..., a CNET Networks, Inc. property, today announced innovative personalization features that introduce users to a new level of control over both their search experience...
The Motley Fool takes a look at how Google and its investors can learn from the decline of Lycos (which was just bought for $105...
Yahoo today released a beta of Yahoo Local, available at Yahoo! Local integrates proprietary Yahoo! Search Technology, Yellow Pages and maps offerings, and unique...
Garrett French has come out of underneathe his rock (after his WebPro split) and is now with Andy Beal at Search Engine Lowdown, blogging the...
Majority of Users Prefer Search Engines for Fast Information Over two-thirds of those polled by Harris Interactive and MSN feel Web searches are the fastest...
Google acquired Picasa and got Hello as a gift! With the acquisition of Picasa, Google got a nice little utility on its hand. The software...
Google and Doubling of Search Results Have you ever searched for something on Google and noticed that a website has a double listing – a...
Forbes Serving Text Advertising Links in its Content​ Looks like content embedded text links may soon become a normal part of online advertising. is...
WebTrends, the web analytics unit of NetIQ Corporation, plans to launch version 3 of WebPosition Gold at the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo this...
WorkZoo this week launched a free service for web site owners who want to provide career content for their visitors. WorkZoo’s job search engine now... Goes Live With New Look and Features​ ​​​​, one of the MOST useful news aggregators and search tools on the open web has gone...
Lycos has been bought by a South Korean company rumored to be Daum Communications, the firm who also tried to acquire Spanish newspaper Expansion...
Google yesterday responded via blog to reports that they fell victim to a DOS (deny of service) attack on their search engine by a new...
Reporters Without Borders yesterday deplored the “irresponsible” policies of major US Internet firms Yahoo ! and Google in bowing directly and indirectly to Chinese government...
Overture has introduced a new search engine marketing/advertising keyword management tool which is supposed to save users time when planning online keyword advertising campaigns. Overture...
Bambi Francisco at CBS MarketWatch put together an excellent historical timeline of search engines going for the gold in the search commerce field. 1996: Search...
Apparently Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, and Overture are all under attack by a version of the MyDoom Virus. MSN Search is working. Storm Center Reports: Latest...
Reports are flying in from across the country that Google’s search engine hasd not been working for the past hour in the United States (11:30...
As Google grows and grows, so will its similarities with the problems faced in the tradtional corporate world. The AP wires report that a former...
Yahoo just updated their site guidelines. Here’s a look: Pages Yahoo! Wants Included in Its Index * Original and unique content of genuine value *...
Google is a great website, but a lesson of the dotcom bubble is that a great website is not always a great business, advises Dr....
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