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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
On May 3rd ResourceShelf’s GaryPrice posted a list of domain names that were registered in April and included the word Google. Many of our readers...
Google has had a meteoric rise to stardom. I remember an article I saw in PC World Indian Edition in the year 1999 which mentioned...
Kanoodle and 24/7 Real Media announced today that they have joined forces to release BehaviorTarget, a behaviorally- targeted sponsored links product. Kanoodle, provider of sponsored...
To draw a parallel between Netscape & Google in their fight against Microsoft, it is necessary to examine the various similarities between the two situations...
Google may be taken to court over a “googol” by the family of Professor Edward Kasner. Kasner, who invented the word “googol” in the 1930s...
Browse the headlines of any online or printed news source and you would be hard pressed not to hear about Google’s upcoming IPO. If you...
Some Google GMail users were surprised to log in this week and see their abnormal 1 gigabyte of free email storage space transformed into a...
In the world of Internet Marketing, and Web site promotion, nothing changes faster than the parameters that rule good Search Engine rankings and placement. This...
Making news yesterday, Lycos Europe introduced a paid 1GB email service which beat the slow paced Google GMail launch. However, GMail’s functionality may make it...
According to results gathered from and their new ranking tool, Yahoo search results are getting better and more relevant. Thumbshots Ranking is a new...
Yahoo on Tuesday released an e-mail standard that prevents spammers from hiding behind legitimate e-mail addresses. Yahoo’s proposed standard, known as DomainKeys, would embed outgoing...
A new Search Engine User Attitudes Survey perfermed by iProspect confirms that knowing the characteristics of your target audience plays a significant role in a...
I got in to the oh-so-awesome GMail network courtesy of a friend last week. Now, another e-mail id to look after? That is not exactly...
Yahoo is expected to further cut ties with search engine Google by selling its stake in Google which was bought when the two Internet destinations...
Over half of online buyers (54%) started their shopping at a shopping search engine or aggregator site while just 46% started at a merchant site,...
Google is not the only search engine type service filing for an initial public offering. GuruNet has filed for an IPO on the Nasdaq Small...
Airline Lufthansa introduced an onflight Wi-Fi broadband wireless Internet connection on its International flight from Munich to Los Angeles on Monday. The system, dubbed FlyNet,...
In a new 63-page white paper entitled, “Going Deep: Vertical Digital Directories,” The Kelsey Group examines the role of vertical directories in local advertising. A...
Understanding What Reciprocal Linking Means If you have been marketing on the internet for any length of time you have surely heard that reciprocal linking...
Google AdWords has introduced an ad placement and search term consulting service dubbed Jumpstart. According to the Rugles Search Blog, the service is for anyone...
Last week Google announced that they are beginning to integrate banner ads into their AdWords / AdSense contextual advertising “network.” The banner integration was seen...
Google’s shopping search engine Froogle has been around for 18 months or so, but not too many folks really knew about it until Google added...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed that wireless devices and wireless broadband providers be able to operate in unused bands of broadcast television spectrum....
Opera Software today released 7.50 for Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris operating systems. Opera 7.50 offers users hungry for a better Internet experience the...
Search Engine College, a new online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing...
Don’t get fooled by the IPO buzz, don’t get stressed out about ads in email, and don’t forget about Yahoo while Google is blanketing search...
Be alert when opening emails from Yahoo and when logging o to the Internet – antivirus companies issued warnings and software updates this week for...
WhenU, the Adware firm, has been banished from Google and Yahoo search engine results after reportedly using a search engine spamming method known as cloaking....
Citysearch and Overture today announced an agreement in which Citysearch will integrate Overture’s contextually targeted keyword advertising into various local search channels. Overture, owned by...
A New Beta (via Google Labs): Google Groups 2. You’ve got to hand it to them, they’re always making news. Google has joined Yahoo (and...
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