Get the latest news updates about Snapchat and learn how to incorporate the popular messaging app into to your social media marketing mix to strengthen your brand.
Get the latest news updates about Snapchat and learn how to incorporate the popular messaging app into to your social media marketing mix to strengthen your brand.
Snapchat has introduced a new feature called Memories, which lets users save, search for, and reuse their Snaps and Stories.
Despite the lack of hard ROI data, Snapchat Lenses are one of the most intriguing ad formats that have emerged in the platform war for...
More ads are coming to Snapchat. The platform has revealed new details about how brands can advertise on the platform heading forward.
May saw various shifts among numerous social networks, plus some feedback on recent changes.
According to Bloomberg News, 150 million people use Snapchat each day, which surpasses Twitter’s average of 136 million active daily users.
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