Get the latest YouTube news, plus trends, techniques, and guidelines for how to create, optimize, promote, advertise, and measure your video marketing campaigns.
Get the latest YouTube news, plus trends, techniques, and guidelines for how to create, optimize, promote, advertise, and measure your video marketing campaigns.
Here are a few lessons content marketers can learn from cockatoos with 100,000 subscribers to their YouTube channels.
Google AdWords has upgraded YouTube ads with location extensions and the ability to measure in-store visits.
YouTube for iOS has been updated with iMessage support, letting users watch and chat about videos without leaving the app.
YouTube is adding restrictions on which accounts are able to add external links at the end of their videos.
Google has updated its YouTube app for iOS with the ability to live stream iPhone or iPad screens.
YouTube is undergoing a series of changes on mobile and desktop, including a new look complete with a new logo.
Google’s Uptime, an experimental app that enables people to watch YouTube videos with friends, is now more widely available.
YouTube recently shared new statistics that show how engagement with the online video platform is rising, especially on mobile.
Google is introducing four new measures for tackling extremist content on YouTube.
YouTube has significantly reduced the threshold that must be met for users to initiate live streams from their YouTube channels.
Google is ramping up its efforts to ensure ads do not appear alongside questionable YouTube videos.
The YouTube Annotations Editor is being discontinued. As of May 2 you will no longer be able to add new annotations or edit existing annotations.
Uptime, a collaborative YouTube viewing app developed by Google’s Area 120 incubator, has been released for iOS.
Unskippable 30-second video ads will fade to black for good on YouTube in 2018. YouTube has officially announced the end of this hated format.
YouTube is launching mobile live streaming and a tool to earn money from those live streams – but only for creators with at least 10,000...
While revealing over 50% of YouTube views now occur on mobile device, Google has announced a series of updates to improve the advertising experience.
Video is one of the search marketing trends to look forward to so now would be the perfect time to add video to your marketing...
YouTube is rolling out some new features that are designed to improve engagement in your comments section and also filter out the comment trolls.
YouTube has added a new feature, End Screens, that lets you add a thumbnail overlay to promote your videos and playlists, encourage subscriptions, and more.
Google has acquired a company called FameBit in an effort to bring in more revenue to the online video community.
YouTube is giving brands a new way to ensure they are being transparent to viewers about paid content that appears on the video-sharing site.
YouTube is now notifying publishers directly when removing monetization from videos that are not considered to be advertiser-friendly.
YouTube wants to get more social with Backstage, which will include new features like photos, polls, links, text posts, exclusive videos, and rich replies.
If you want to monetize your video content you have many YouTube advertising targeting options. However, we caught a recent issue with keyword targeting.
With over a billion users and enough traffic, YouTube is the third most popular website globally. Here are five ways to improve your YouTube organic...
Considering to advertise on YouTube? Here are some of the most effective ways to advertise on YouTube – with or without having a video!
As more people turn to eyewitness video to keep up with breaking news events as they happen, YouTube has launched a site to help people...
Google announced it will soon be releasing a new app built for gamers, called YouTube Gaming, which will put the company in direct competition with...
Today Google announced an integration between its product listing ads and YouTube videos in a feature its calling TrueView for shopping. TrueView for shopping allows...
When it comes to searching for how to do something, 91% of smartphone users rely on their devices to find that information. This has resulted...