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Coming Soon: Online Video Search ala TV Guide

Looks like somebody took the cue from a question asked recently on whose going to be the TV guide of online video. And it’s none other than, well, you guess it right, TV Guide, TV viewers most trusted program guide  for 53 years now. Yahoo Tech News reports via AP, says that it’s finally going into the online video business by testing its online video search tool.

But wait, the company is not going to  index/crawl or aggregate all videos available on the web, including user-generated videos. Instead, it will focus on the published videos of 60 media web sites. Only those originally produced by various media companies will be included in TV Guide’s  online video search. Those videos include those produced by ABC, Fox, among other mainstream media companies.So, what’s in this for Gemstar-TV Guide, you asked? How is it going to profit from this venture? Simple. Paid advertising baby. Gemstar-TV Guide is aiming to earn big bucks from online advertising as well as licensing its technology.

Great plan? Right now, yes. But later on, once Google and the other search engine giants set their sight on the same thing and developed their own video search engine, TV guide might find itself concentrating again on its TV guide product.

But then, it  better gets  a head start while the others are still busy with other things. Who knows, Gemstar-TV Guide might actually pull this one off that it would be very hard for the other search giant to catch up.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...