If you are into Internet marketing, you probably have so many online friends that you can barely remember most of them. Finding friends and partners is only one part of your job. To be a real power social media user, you need to be everywhere not to let your friends forget who you are.
One of the most effective ways to do that is to constantly update your Facebook status – this gives you visibility in a few important ways:
- You will always be on your friends’ home page;
- You will always be on page 1 on “Friends” list of your connections;
- You will always be on top of relevant Facebook search.
Here are how to always keep your status updated:
1. Connect your status updates with your micro-blogging:
Change your Facebook status with your Tweets or updates from other (similar) services:
- Update your status with your Tweets: this application will connect your Twitter profile with your Facebook account;
- Update your status with Identi.ca notices: use this app for that;
- Update your status with your Plurks.
Note: If you tweet quite a lot and don’t want to hijack your friends’ Facebook updates, use this app that will only update Facebook status with Tweets containing the #fb hashtag
2. Update your Facebook status from Gmail:
Are you often logged in into your Gmail account? Checking mail? Using web-based chat? Then why not change your Facebook status while you are there?
Xoopit is a FireFox update that connects your Gmail account with your Facebook account. Install, restart your browser, navigate to your Gmail account and connect it to Facebook:
Now you will always be able to change your Facebook status with your email updates and news: