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Could The Devaluation of the Dollar Hurt Your Search Engine Paid Results?

In July I wrote a piece about UK search marketers having the upper hand on U.S. search marketers because of the value of the pound compared to the dollar. Well guess what? It’s getting worse.

If you’re an affiliate marketer, strap on to your seat belts because this can cause some changes in your positions in the coming months if these international affiliates take advantage of this value change in our currency.

Yesterday the U.S. Dollar hit an all-time low compared to the Euro and what is much more alarming is the Canadian dollar has surpassed the U.S. dollar…hasn’t happened in 31 years.

Talking to some reps over at Primary Ads and CPA Empire, I was confirmed there is a good number of affiliate joining these networks. The devalue of the dollar has not only put an advantage for European search marketers but also for Canadian search marketers as of today.

Affiliate marketing has been growing with popularity. Affiliate networks such as Commission Junction is expanding business across Europe and recently announced its first European client development director.

There is only one Google and one Yahoo and the United States has the largest market share in these engines (I’d have to do more research on that stat though). These international SEM’s know where to go to get market share unless they advertise for their local market. The largest affiliate networks do exist in the U.S. and that’s where these SEM’s are flocking as well for new business in a growing industry.

Category SEO
Pablo Palatnik

Pablo Palatnik is the author of the blog PalatnikFactor, focusing on all things Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specialist ...