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Create Mobile Video Ad Campaigns Like A Boss

Learn how you can develop successful mobile video ad campaigns that maximize your brand's conversion opportunities! Learn more by visiting us today!

Mobile Video Advertising Campaigns - Jason Corrigan SEOThe increase in popularity and use of mobile devices is making 2013 an enormous year for digital marketers. Never before has such an opportunity existed for brands to be able to immediately connect with ready-to-buy consumers, wherever they are throughout their day.

Considering the fact that for the first time in history the use of mobile tablets has exceeded traditional desktop devices for conversion rates, marketers have the ability to capitalize on consumers becoming more comfortable with shopping online by creating excellent, exciting mobile video ad campaigns.

Businesses that invest in developing mobile video ads stand to significantly increase their conversion and online sales opportunities by positioning their brands in front of consumers, where they frequent the most.

Here are five tips for how brands can create mobile video ads that are attractive, engaging and on point for successfully connecting with the most qualified mobile consumer.

1. Create Messages That Are Straight To The Point

When consumers check out a video on YouTube, they are typically performing a direct search for something they already have in mind. Because they know exactly what they are looking for, the tendency to browse is replaced by the urge to satisfy the user’s intention of finding precisely what they want.

Therefore, most users’ attention span and tolerance for any alternative form of content is extremely short. Because of this, brands must create short, precise video ads that attract the user’s attention immediately.

Geico Mobile Ad Campaign - Jason Corrigan SEO

Creating video ads that are between 15-30 seconds long are perfect for articulating a clear and concise message, without annoying the user to the point where they either skip the ad or focus their attention on something else until their desired video is ready to play.

Geico is a great example to base any video ad off of as they offer one unified message that is always immediately brought to the user’s attention. Their “Fifteen Seconds Can Save You 15% Or More” is constantly restated and displayed on every one of their ads, regardless of what characters deliver the message.

2. Know Your Audience 

Having the right data that provides insight for who the most qualified audience is and where they frequent the most is a critical aspect of launching a successful mobile video ad campaign.

Setting up brief exit interviews that ask for user feedback, offering Q&A opportunities and adding tracking goals in Google Analytics are great ways to gain insight for how your online audience behaves and where they go throughout their personal online progression.

By understanding this information, you can position your video ads to be found exactly where your audience is most comfortable and thus, maximize your click-through-rate and conversion opportunities.

3. Pinpoint Where Your Audience Is

Creating mobile ad campaigns that are specific to a particular location and platform will go a long way in effectively connecting your brand with the most qualified online consumer.

Target Audiance Research - Mobile Video Ad Campaigns - Jason Corrigan SEO

Localize your ads and make sure you chose the most appropriate platforms and technology for your videos to appear on. If you are a brand that operates in the Middle East and Asia, then launching video campaigns on handsets will not be a lucrative move since the market is highly fragmented with over 700 different devices on the Android platform alone.

So make sure you research what devices your target audience uses and what markets they operate in to make sure that you are not allocating your resources incorrectly.

4. Create Mobile Video Ads That Compliment Your Overall Goals/Direction

At the end of the day, the point of marketing is to increase your brands profit margins.

So make sure you develop mobile video ad campaigns that include call-to-actions and drive consumers back to your brand site and/or brick-and-mortar location. For retailers, it is critical that you communicate with your viewers where your locations are and how they can benefit from coming in.

Offer incentives that entice consumers to come in by telling them in the video ad that if they show up to the store and check-in on Foursquare, they can receive 5% off their purchase.

5. Content Is Always King

Fresh Content - Mobile Video Ad Campaigns - Jason Corrigan SEOConsistent development of new content is as important for launching a successful mobile video ad series as it is for developing your brands search engine optimization campaign.

Offering exciting content that illustrate your brand’s offerings in attractive, clear ways will far in increasing your brands relationship with your audience, as well as increasing your conversion and sales opportunities.

Whatever your brand’s end goal is, make sure you tell the viewer and show them how they can do it easily and quickly.


Creating compelling mobile video ad campaigns can prove to be a pivotal aspect of your brand’s ability to drive consumers to your website and your retail locations if you have them.

Developing ads that are attractive, concise and are complimented with incentives for consumers to interact with will support your brand’s ability to maximize its conversion and sales opportunities.

Category Mobile SEO
Julian Connors President at SEO Without Borders

Julian is an experienced search marketing director who has developed complex, wide-scale search and social campaigns for brands that include: ...