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Creating Compelling Ads at SES NY

If you are using paid search as one of your online marketing strategies (who isn’t, if you’re not, get with the program,) this was one of the most important sessions I have ever attended and paid very close attention to.

In order to try and give you the information up-to-date, I will post the notes I took and should give you an overview and a guideline for great tips and advice on creating compelling ads to capture your audience in the search engines and increasing click through rates and conversion rates. The notes are in the order of the panel and how the session went.

(1) Mona Elesseily- Director of Marketing Strategy- Page Zero Media

-Research and understand your market

-Understand your market: “Free Shipping” example. “MP3 players”

-Differentiate between you and your competitors.

Tools to understand your market:

MSN Labs: Search Funnel & Seasonality Tool (when consumers are most tuned in to marketing messages- tax forms examples)

Tip #1- Cater ads to different buyer needs

Try testing the following:
*Info that reassures buyers, i.e. official site or 24/7 phone support
*Time sensitive like a deal or offer ending soon.

Tip #2- Ad copy should be appropriate “in feel” to the industry category Tip #3- Consider the buying Cycle Multivariate Ad Testing

Example: Test Order now vs. Order Today

Order today in first line converted better than second line.

Elements to test:

Headlines, Offers, “buy” words like try, get, etc.

URL w/ www. & without

FREE TOOL: Adcomparator.com

(2) Patricia Hursh – Smart Search Marketing


  1. Define Success Metrics
  2. Align ads with buying cycle
  3. pre-qualify clickers
  4. Use unique, specific calls-to-action
  5. Ask a compelling question (lots of success)

Define Success: Visibility (Branding Messaging, Ad Impressions, Ad Position), Traffic (Response Messaging, Maximize CTR, Cost/Click), Conversion (Pre-qulifying messaging, maximize conv rate, cost/conversions)

Align ads with buying cycle: Laptop computersà laptop informationà laptop user reviewsàIBM laptop modelsà IBM ThinkPad t61

-Don’t ignore the power of non-branded keywords.

Pre-Qualifier Clickers: Address your specific target audience & Specify who should/shouldn’t click.

Unique Compelling Calls-To-Action: Be Specific, Give People A Reason to Click

Click Here, Learn More, Get Information, Take 60-second Tour, View Video Demo, etc.

Ask Questions.

(3) Misty Locke, President of Range

Boiling it Down: Factors that convert: write for your consumer, writing for conversions not clicks, get creative.

-Convert at the ad not landing page. Include keyword in title and desc. Capitalize display url for more visibility, clear call to action.

-Deliver a clear message. Make sure your creative defines what you are selling. Be clear of who you are and what you want them to know about you.

-Provide consumer the right information. Price and a bit more description converted by about 8-10% higher than broad ad.

Description Check point: B (brand) + O (offer) + C (call-to-action) = client brand exposure

Follow the click to conversion: Price point ad copy CTR test results.

Ad with price point had lower conversions, much higher ROI.

(4) Jason Dorn -Senior Director at Yahoo!

Three things to consider in crafting compelling ads:

-Ad group structure is foundation of success (tight ad groups…huge for quality score)

-Creating a valuable first impression is critical (be clear, be relevant, call out a competitive edge)

-ad testing is a means to an end

(5) Jason Miller – Engine Ready, Inc.- CTO

When things change (search engine guidelines to paid search), it’s really a price change! YOU NEED AN EDGE. Average advertisers… you’re in trouble.

-Download Ad Flint on engine ready site, its free to create ads.


Utility vs. Emotional: Getting a great CTR is a mindset.

When everyone else is competing on utility, go emotional and the other way around.

**Your Ad is a window to your site.

Let your winners run and cut your losers quickly.


-Swap ad copy line 1 with line 2

-Including www

Search Relationship Organization (new concept?)– contact competitors to lower bids if you constantly can locate a competitor and hiking up each others bids.

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments and I’ll try to answer them for you if you have any questions on this session.

Category SEO
Pablo Palatnik

Pablo Palatnik is the author of the blog PalatnikFactor, focusing on all things Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specialist ...