$100 SponsoredReviews.com Coupon : Exclusive for Search Engine Journal Readers
This is an exclusive offer for Search Engine Journal readers! I just got done speaking with SponsoredReviews.com’s CEO Jarrod Hunt and convinced him to issue...

Yahoo’s Showcased Homepage Content Driving Search Results
Yahoo is showcasing their new Yahoo Search Shortcuts and search results via links in the content boxes on the Yahoo Homepage. The links look like...

Generate Backlinks with Custom WordPress Themes & Templates
Backlinks are the golden path to page rank. Building backlinks however, can be a slow and tedious process every blogger has to face. We constantly...

Optimize Yourself for Search Marketing Employment and Recruiting
In the growing industry of search marketing, aggressive recruiters and employment opportunities are everywhere. With search being such a young industry though, fewer elements can...

Search Optimization Guide for The New Yahoo! Search
A major player in the search industry has finally made a change worth calling revolutionary. This morning’s release of The New Yahoo! Search and Yahoo!...

Yahoo Search Launches Google Killer : Search Assist, Videos, Flickr Integration
Yahoo Search, over the past 5 years or so, has been trying hard to step out of Google’s shadow, a shadow that Yahoo cast upon...

Ask.com’s Bloglines Now Supports OpenID and Mobile Devices
Ask.com has upgraded its Bloglines blog reader and blog sharing offering with support for OpenID, new personalized preferences and Bloglines Mobile for the Bloglines Beta....

Google & Immersive Media End StreetView Technology Relationship
Immersive Media, the company which developed the initial technology for the Google StreetView initiative for Google Maps, has sent out a press release stating that...

Mobile Search Marketing for Social Networking Sites
Mobile marketing has seen some important advancements within the last year especially within the United States. Recent advancements in phone technology like the iPhone has...

Ask.com and IAC’s iWon Rebrands : Less Search, More Games
iWon, which was first launched by CBS as a search engine which incentives users to search and click on ads with the result of winning...

Discussion with Dr. Prabhakar Raghavan, Head of Research at Yahoo
The Hindu Business Line has an interesting discussion on search, user intent, micro-economics of search and user generated meta data with Dr. Prabhakar Raghavan, Head...

TNX.net Link Advertising Network
TNX.net dubs itself as a hybrid of contextual advertising and text link advertising, letting publishers serve an advertising code which is viewed as a natural...

Optimize Google Listings with Meta Description Makeovers
Raj Krishnan has an excellent post at the Google Webmaster Central Blog which addresses one of the oldest foundations of search engine optimization, Meta tags....