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Delicious Rolls Out New Search Features

Delicious Rolls Out New Search Features

Delicious is introducing a slew of new features aimed at making its social bookmarking service more useful. From search refinements to graphing technology to its mobile version, Delicious is sending a signal to us that the site is still alive and still wants to kick the competition.

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Specifically here are the new features of Delicious and what each of these features can do:

Search refinement and graphing – You can now narrow down Delicious search down to the last five minutes from the previous 1 day limit. Aside from this, you can also create  an interactive graph for periods more than 24 hours from the current time.

iPhone optimized m.delicious.com – featuring richer bookmarking experience on your mobile phone, Delicious mobile can now also save bookmarks.

Graphs – Delicious now has a new Tagometer badge, aside from the appearance of the bookmark graphs on URL details page aside from appearing on the Delicious search result page.

URL Details – Delicious data which were previously available as a list is now viewable in graph view.

Of these new features, the first new feature seems to be the useful one. Especially today since  the “real-time” concept is getting popular among social media tools and services.

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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...