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The Differences Between Google Blogger and WordPress

The Differences Between Google Blogger and WordPress

Trying to find the right CMS system can be overwhelming. You’ve likely heard of WordPress, and if you’re new to blogging you’ve probably ruled out Joomla or Drupal (as you should), but Google Blogger is another option that has made its way onto the scene slowly but surely. If you’re a beginner blogger, then choosing right the first time can help save you a lot of headaches, so it’s important you go through the pros and the cons of each option and understand why certain businesses may thrive with one option while others are better off going the opposite direction.

However, in order to understand the differences between the two CMS systems, it’s important that you first understand the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.


The Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Essentially, WordPress.com is the most basic version of WordPress. It has limited themes and does not allow plug-ins, so it’s not a great option for serious bloggers or people looking to grow their business. It is, however, free, so it’s not a bad choice for someone who is just starting out with blogging and looking to experiment. On the plus side, when using WordPress.com the WordPress network has access to your blog and can share your information, thus giving you a wider audience that you might not have had otherwise. This article from WP Beginner explains more of the perks of WordPress.com.

WordPress.org is self-hosted, meaning you have total control over your site and information, and you get to create your own domain name. It comes with a lot more options than it’s counterpart, but it also comes with a fee. This is, of course, a big topic, so I highly recommend check out this site for more information on the fees associated with WordPress.org.

Similarly to WordPress.com, Google Blogger is a free site with limited capability. You do not own your site or your information, Google does. This comes with both positives and negatives. Keep in mind that because WordPress.com is so comparable to Google Blogger, when deciding between Google Blogger your other choice is almost always going to be WordPress.org.

Pros of WordPress.org

  • You own your site and all of your data. Thus, you decide what information gets shared, and if or when your site gets shut down.
  • You have access to thousands of plugins that allow you to add to your site.
  • There are tons of layout options that let you customize your blog.
  • It’s easy to move your site to another host and change your domain name without losing vital information.
  • WordPress has an active community support system. Fixing a problem is as simple as typing it into Google (however for some this is a con, which is discussed below).

Extra: For more reasons on why WordPress is an exceptional site, check out this article on Search Engine Journal about all of the benefits it can offer.

Pros of Google Blogger

  • It’s completely free, and you won’t find any hidden fees.
  • Google is your backer and so is their security platform; thus, you’re not responsible for the security of your site.
  • Blogger is simple and easy to use.

Cons of WordPress.org

  • You are responsible for the security of your site, which could be challenging depending on your technology expertise (mine is virtually nonexistent!)
  • It costs money to use, and the more extensive your blog the more money it costs. See the article above for more information on costs associated with WordPress.

Cons of Google Blogger

  • Blogger has limited creative tools, such as templates and themes.
  • It’s difficult to move your blog from Google to another place; you will most likely lose your SEO that you worked so hard to build.
  • There is limited technology and support for Blogger.
  • Because you don’t own your site, Google can shut down your blog at any time.
  • They can also shut down Google Blogger as a whole, which they have been known to do in the past with various applications despite their popularity and success.

Additionally, this is a very helpful article that further explains the Pros and Cons of both, though I will warn you it is slightly biased towards WordPress. For many, this can only mean one thing: WordPress is a better choice overall? Read and decide for yourself.

Which Site is Best for Your Business?

If you’re just starting out with a blog and don’t really have long-term plans, I think you can go with either Google Blogger or WordPress.com. Both sites are free and offer plenty of options for the blogging newbie, however I lean towards WordPress, because (at least in my opinion) their chances of existing in the long-term are better than that of Google Blogger.

If you’re serious about blogging and about growing your business, my recommendation is hands-down WordPress.org. I personally did a lot of research before starting my own blog, and even though I don’t have extensive long-term plans, I wanted to keep my options open, and I’m glad I chose WordPress. At $12 a year, WordPress.org makes this an affordable possibility, and Google Blogger still has a few too many unknowns and issues to iron out. After all, there has to be a reason that 25% of the web uses WordPress vs. the 1.2% that uses Google Blogger.

Now get started, and let me know what you think in the comment section below.


Image Credits

Featured Image: Gil C/Shutterstock.com
In-Post Photo: Ingvar Bjork/Shutterstock.com

Category Web Dev SEO
VIP CONTRIBUTOR Amanda DiSilvestro Editor-in-chief at Plan, Write, GO

Amanda DiSilvestro writes digital content that helps businesses grow their website traffic and establish thought leadership. Connect with Amanda at ...