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Disney Getting into Search Again?

Remember and the ease of securing a top ranking for your site within the search engine results just by gaming the old GoGuides system?

Those were the golden years of SEO :, Altavista, Excite, HotBot, Lycos and Yahoo were the more popular search engines on the market and the most desired sites to obtain high rankings within, that is until Google came along.

Disney owned, and it was a hub at the time for ESPN, ABC and other Disney properties. In the same fashion that Fox is currently using to boost MySpace traffic via FX and Fox Television, ABC and ESPN would actively promote Search and Channels on their network shows and during commercials. The sky seemed to be the limit, then Disney dropped their human directory driven search technology and the portal all but vanished.

Now, Disney is making another web publishing push by reinventing another one of their long term properties,

The Associated Press writes that the new (launching next week) will be a social media driven search & user generated content site :

By contrast, the new site is a one-stop site for parents, especially mothers, providing everything from Internet search to user-generated articles on key topics such as education and food, and, eventually, a “ParentPedia,” a compilation of information on 1,000 topics that can be expanded by users.

Parents have become a larger part of Disney’s online audience, accounting for nearly half of the 25 million unique visits per month to the site, the company said. Most of those are moms.

Part of the experience will be the Technorati influenced “Family 1,000” ; a prefiltered list of smaller Web sites that typically do not rank high on searches using traditional Web search sites such as Google and Yahoo.

Given the soon to be launched and its social media and search direction, one has to wonder if Disney sees opportunity in revamping the old search driven network which was given up on way too early.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...