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Donate to Charity Via Google : GDonate

Donate to Charity Via Google : GDonate

Google Clone and Hunger Site buddy GDonate looks like Google, tastes like Google and smells like Google; but its a gateway to an AdSense Web Search box which serves AdWords search ads that apparently benefit charities.

From the GDonate.com FAQ page:

The charities are members of the Google Adsense program which pays them directly. Each search doesn’t earn vast sums but lots of searches here by millions of people all over the world will raise some considerable sums directly for the charities.

Still questioning their motives? More from GDonate:

The Adsense code reproduced here is within the terms of the Google Adsense program and the Adsense publisher ID can be verified as belonging to the charity by visiting the charity site and viewing their source code. The search you do here has the same effect as a search you do on the Google search box on the charity site itself. This site will ALWAYS serve only the charities’ Adsense publisher ID; any deviation and it would become illegal and probably be taken down by Google.

Sounds like a good idea, but I just wonder if Google has given GDonate the go ahead to clone the Google homepage?

I agree with Philipp Lenssen that GDonate might want do a little bit more to differentiate themselves by changing the logo a bit or placing some other simple disclaimer graphic on their site.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...