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eBay Bans Google Checkout Payment System

eBay Bans Google Checkout Payment System

eBay has added Google Checkout, Google’s new shopping & payment system, to its list of payment services which are not permitted on eBay. You can chalk this up as one of the first striking blows in the Google vs. Yahoo-eBay payment war.

Andy Beal points to the eBay Accepted Payments Policy:

Payment Services not permitted on eBay: AlertPay.com, anypay.com, AuctionChex.com, AuctionPix.com, BillPay.ie, ecount.com, cardserviceinternational.com, CCAvenue, ecount, e-gold, eHotPay.com, ePassporte.com, EuroGiro, FastCash.com, Google Checkout, gcash, GearPay, Goldmoney.com, graphcard.com, greenzap.com, ikobo.com, Liberty Dollars, Moneygram.com, neteller.com, Netpay.com, Nochex.com, paychest.com, payingfast.com, paypay, Postepay, Qchex.com, rupay.com, scripophily.com, sendmoneyorder.com, stamps, Stormpay, wmtransfer.com, xcoin.com

Scot Wingo comments on the eBay Strategies Blog:

It will be interesting to see what lame excuse eBay uses to justify this. For example, they will probably say it’s new so prone to fraud. Well, in reality it’s a credit card gateway (and the same one eBay spends millions with as the top google adwords user) and credit cards are specifically allowed along with gateways (verisign/cybersource/authorize.net, etc.)

This is eBay flexing their trust and safety muscles to control the way sellers take credit cards (and as a side-effect, limit their leverage with Google Adwords) if they feel it starts to infringe on the PayPal asset.

It’s ironic they would do this here, and in the same breath go to Congress and fight the Net Neutrality battle.

You can’t fight for an open internet one day and then implement policies that close the walled garden the next.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...