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Eye Tracking to Boost Conversion Rate of your Ecommerce Site


Do you know that your website images play a biggest role in boosting up the conversion rate of your website? To know the importance of your website’ images, you can give a look on eye tracking reports; however, you also need to run one. It is true that running eye-tracking software for your website is quite expensive, but you can boost conversion rate of your website in mean-time.

If you have decided to improve the conversion rate of your ecommerce website, you need to look at where the viewers’ eyes are going and have to conclude that it is a place where you want their eyes to go or not.

Here, you can find how you can boost conversion rate through eye-tracking:

People are more interested in Media than text:

As we all know that most of the people are interested in media like pictures to videos and etc. People will more focus on media if you put it on your page. As compare to the text on the page, they like to spend their time on media part of the page. You need to remember that how you used to look at Google search results before it adding pictures and videos.

google eye tracking

And, now in the below image, you can see that Google has put some videos in the search results that got huge impact:

Google serp eye trackingGoogle serp eye tracking

And now in the given image, you can see that Google has added some pictures of the product in the search results:

google serp products tracking

So, what you came to know from above example is that media is good, but make sure that you use it carefully. Using media to sell your products and services is completely best for you. However, media is a interruption, then you will reduce the conversion rates of your site.

Cautiously Utilize People in Your Images:

In this modern world, those stock picture sites are extremely infamous that have thousands of pictures of people. It is better for you to use a picture of someone on your website, but make sure that you use pictures accurately otherwise it can affect your conversion rate.

Here in this below given image, you can see that the girl is looking at you, not at the product. So, customers are looking at her instead of the product.

sunsilk eye tracking

Now, in the given below image of the Sunsilk ad, you can see that the girl is looking at the product that has given huge impact on this ad.
eye tracking sunsilk product

Nothing has been changed in this image except her eyes that plays a biggest role in this ad. Through eye-tracking, you will come to know that the direction of the model’s look compels you to look at the product.

People Spend Time to read Left to Right:

How many of you know that most of the websites have their navigation path from left to right because maximum number of people enters in the website and first they look at your logo and after that they turn on your menu bar.

left to right

So, you need to keep attractive pictures on the left side of your website that are the perfect examples of the eye tracking. As per the reports that average web users are spending their 69% of their time looking at the left side of the web page, so make sure your important and eye-catching elements should be placed on the left-hand side.

However, you can also have to test that which one is working best for you, but keeping essential elements on the left side will give you a wonderful start for your site.

Faces Plays Vital Role:

As we all that eye placement give huge impact on what you look at, but the position of the body also make even a big impact as compare to eye movement. Here in the below given images, you can see that in the first picture baby’s body position is in the front of you, so you will surely look him instead of products.

baby eye tracking

baby product eye tracking

However in the second image, the body position of the baby is towards products that draws your attention to the product. If you prefer to use pictures on your ecommerce site’ landing page, make sure that you have them look at your product and services or you have their whole body face on it. It may help you to boost conversion rate of your website.

Above mentioned points can help you to boost the conversion rate of your ecommerce website without any hassle. As per the described points, you can make your ecommerce website more popular and create unique brand on the web.

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Hello, I’m Brianna Wills, I am working with a leading eCommerce Development Company ‘Perception System’ as an eCommerce developer. I ...