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Facebook Announces New Platform to Create Ads Based on Objective

Facebook Announces New Platform to Create Ads Based on Objective

Facebook announced today via its Facebook for Business News section that it has created a new platform that will allow advertisers to create ads and influence their impact more easily.

The news section stated that advertisers told Facebook they wanted to create ads based on their overall goal or objective, not necessarily by the type of ads that would be displayed. The top objectives that Facebook identified as being crucial for business advertisers included:

  1. Clicks to Website
  2. Website Conversions
  3. Page Post Engagement
  4. Page Likes
  5. App Installs
  6. App Engagement
  7. In-store Offer claims
  8. Event Responses

Based on this objective approach, Facebook is allowing advertisers to create campaigns based on what they want to accomplish. Then, its platform will help advertisers decide how they want to best serve their advertisements. For example, an ad viewed on a smartphone can be set so the user goes to the company’s mobile site, versus their full desktop site, which isn’t correctly optimized.

Facebook Announces New Platform to Create Ads Based on Impactvia Facebook for Business News

Advertisers can see how their ad is performing based on the objective they chose when creating a campaign. For example, if they chose website conversion, the highlighted metrics shown in their analytics will be website conversions. This cuts down on confusion and helps advertisers quickly find what they deemed the most important metric for their online advertising efforts.

Facebook Announces New Platform to Create Ads Based on Impact

Facebook announced that these changes will go into effect immediately. The new options will be available via the Ad Create tool, the Power Editor, and the API. This will be a gradual rollout, which will eventually be available to all advertisers on each platform over the coming weeks.

Category Social Media
Kelsey Jones Marketing Consultant, Owner at Six Stories & StoryShout

Kelsey Jones is a marketing consultant, writer, and owner of and Kelsey has been in digital marketing since ...