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FaganFinder Search Engine Launches URLinfo

FaganFinder Search Engine Launches URLinfo

Another great tool from Michael Fagan via his already VERY useful Fagan Finder search page. Michael pinged us today to inform us about his new URLinfo resource that makes finding info about a specific web page/site from a variety of sources just a click or two away. It’s simple. At the top of the URLinfo page enter the url you want to learn more about. Then, simply click on any of the colored tabs to access data about the page/site.

Tabs include:
* General (WHOIS info and more)
* Links (Backlink info from a variety of sources)
* Similar (Find related page links from several sources including Google)
* Cache (Direct links to a variety of databases caching links)
* Search (Just like it sounds)
* Blogs/Feeds (Info from Daypop, Syndic8, and other blog/rss tools)
* Translate (A massive set of translation sources direct from the Fagan Finder Translation Wizard (another tool we really like).
* Track (Track page changes using a variety of sources)
* Develop (Validation tools and more!)
* Misc (Traffic stats from Alexa and other sources)

Also available is a resource that with just a few clicks will create customized bookmarklets to various parts of URLInfo. No coding needed. (-: It looks like Mr. Fagan has done it again and has built another useful tool. Michael also wanted me to let you know that feedback is welcome. You can contact him at: mfagan@gmail.com.

Gary Price is a Washington DC Librarian and the Editor of ResourceShelf

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...