Feedster Offers RSS Feed Finder
Feedster is now offering an RSS feed finder, at http://www.feedster.com/feedfinder.php . This search is in beta, but allows you do search a database of over 900,000 RSS feeds (Feedster claims an index of 972,046 feeds at this point) by entering keyword, description, owner’s name, etc.
A search for “buzz” found 288 results. The results list the name of the feed, description (not all feeds have descriptions) and links to XML feeds.
Because I’m turning into a bookmarklet wonk here’s a couple bookmarklets for searching Feedster’s new Feed Finder:
Search Feedfinder Bookmarklet (Opera/Netscape/Firefox)
Search Feedfinder Bookmarklet (IE)
Speaking of Feedster, Steven Cohen (of LibraryStuff fame) has launched a ‘blog just for Feedster hacking, called appropriately enough Feedster Hacks ( http://www.feedsterhacks.com/ ). It’s not very populated yet, but hey — it’s brand new!
Columist Tara Calishain is writer and editor at ResearchBuzz and author of the new book Web Search Garage