Urim is a smart FireFox addon with great potential. It creates a tag cloud of each page that loads covering a few possible applications:
- The tool can be used to quickly analyze the on-page keyword usage;
- The tool can be used to instantly understand the page content and create the outline;
- The tool can be used to easily navigate the page using the tag cloud summary.
The addon does the text analysis of the current page to generate the tag cloud consisting of one-, two-, three-word combinations (with font size representing the frequency of the term occurrence on the web page).
To play with the tool, just have it installed and restart your browser. Now, when on any page you want to create a tag cloud for, use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+U. The tag cloud visualizing most repetitive fragments of the current page text will be generated:
Note: If you generate the tag cloud for the entire page, there will likely be a lot of “useless” tags like “read more” and “read comments” (for the blog home page). To see the cloud for the part of the page, just select it and use the Alt+Shift+U shortcut to generate the cloud.
What you can do with the Urim tag cloud?
You can now play with the tag cloud to see where it can be most helpful for you:
1. Navigate the page easily: click any tag to jump from phrase to phrase on a web page:
2. Visualize the phrase on-page occurrence: To highlight all occurrences of any tag on the page, use the right mouse button.
What are your thoughts?