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16 Reasons The IM Charity Party at SES San Jose is Better Than Sitting in Your Hotel Room

16 Reasons The IM Charity Party at SES San Jose is Better Than Sitting in Your Hotel Room

It’s the end of day two at SES San Jose and you are having a great time. You’ve learned the essential SEO tools from Aaron Wall, had a conversion makeover from Bryan Eisenberg and watched the black hat white hat social media debate with Dave Snyder and Lee Odden. Should you spend a quiet night in your hotel room reading notes from these sessions or should go out to the IM Charity Party and learn more secrets from the masters themselves?  It’s time to choose your own adventure.  Here are some reasons to help you choose wisely.
16 Reasons The IM Charity Party at SES San Jose is Better Than Sitting in Your Hotel Room

  1. IM Charity Party will be filled with 400 of the best and brightest in the online marketing industry.  Your hotel room will be filled with conference swag.
  2. A $50 donation to charity is tax write-off. $50 on the mini bar is not.
  3. Live tweeting overheard comments isn’t nearly as fun from your hotel room
  4. These ladies will be at the party
    IM Charity Party
  5. Networking is crucial to learning and you can’t network if you’re alone
  6. You can catch CShel and Graywolf talking about Caprica at the bar.  DaveR and Mrs.Graywolf probably wouldn’t be too happy with them in your hotel room
  7. How else are you going to juice your facebook and linkedin friend numbers?
  8. You can pick your favorite Todd (Friesen or Malicoat) at IM Charity Party. In your hotel room, you can stalk them on the interweb
  9. Unless you’re at the Fairmont- it’s probably closer than your hotel room
  10. Hair of the dog from Search Bash
  11. You can follow green marketing guru Lorna Li and competitive webmaster John Andrew’s debates on climate change in person, instead of on Twitter.
  12. Chicken wings in your hotel = $ 12.50 – chicken wings at the party $Free!
  13. You can discuss Binghoo (yahsoft) with Bing and thank them for sponsoring the party (and the open bar).
  14. The Google dance may be canceled, but the party hasn’t stopped
  15. Giving money to Doctors without Borders and the Leukemia and Lymphoma society saves lives. Hotel movies do not.
  16. You can meet the professors from Market Motive in person at the IM Charity Party.

By attending the IM Charity Party at SES San Jose you won’t just have a great time, you will be helping two great non-profits help others.

Event Details:
Where: Agenda Lounge
399 S 1st Street (1 block from SES San Jose)
What: Conference networking + open bar
When: Wednesday, August 12th, 8pm to Midnight
Who: Anyone who wants to have fun & support charity
Why: To help Doctors Without Borders and Leukemia & Lymphoma Society help sick kids
Special thanks to our amazing sponsors Bing, Best of the Web and Clix Marketing. Without you, this event wouldn’t be possible.

Category Careers
Lauren Vaccarello

Online marketing professional and New Yorker based in San Francisco.