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Google Acquires PushLife for Music Synchronization

Google makes enough small purchases that a lot of them, seeming almost irrelevant at first, fly under the radar. However, for those who know about Google’s overall pursuits, their upcoming product lines, and the potential of some of the technology being acquired, these “insignificant deals” are anything but insignificant. That’s the case with PushLife, a Canadian music synchronization company that Google recently picked up.

Breaking the norm for Google’s newly acquired companies, PushLife gives us a strong idea of what projects they’ll be working on. Their official site has a message displayed on each page, telling users that the PushLife team will be joining forces with Google Canada to “[work] on building better mobile applications for all users.” Their statement also indicates that the focus will be on “improving the way applications look and making them easier to use.” Meanwhile, Google representatives have clarified that PushLife’s staff will be working with the mobile team.

What this means is that the upcoming music apps, already seen in early development, and any cloud-based music services from Google will gain some additional support. And, since prior to the acquisition PushLife was a service that helped users store and synchronize their music on a number of platforms (including the desktop, smartphone, and tablet environments), we can anticipate greater synchronization capabilities – include some associated with cloud storage, iTunes, and Windows Media Player – in the future.

The exact amount paid hasn’t been confirmed, but initial speculation puts the figure around 25 million U.S. dollars.PushLife, a Toronto company, was founded in 2008, and will presumably begin work as part of Google’s mobile teamimmediately.

[via CNet]


Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...