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Google Adds Image Ads on AdSense Link Units

Google Adds Image Ads on AdSense Link Units

If you’re implementing AdSense Link Units on your sites, this new feature might interest you.  For those who may have forgotten already, AdSense Link Units are  alternative text links to standard text ads that displays a list of topics relevant to a page on your site. If your readers click on any of this link, they will be brought to a standard AdSense page with ads.Whereas before, Google only displays text-based ads on this Link Units page, you might have noticed that right now, relevant image ads are also being displayed.

According to the Inside AdSense blog, this image ads are contextually targetted as well which is based on the link unit topic clicked by the users from your site.

Image Ads will be displayed for Link Units when available.  Google assures AdSense publishers that if there are no available image ads, only the original text ads will be displayed. Public Service Ads won’t be displayed in place of the Image Ads.

If you’re an AdSense advertisers, these image ads runs on a cost-per-click and cost-per-impression basis. This means that if  you bid on a particular keyword, you’ll get value for your ad spending.

Here’s a sample of the image ads that appears on a Link Units page.


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