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Google Adds Recipe Suggestions to Mobile Search Results

Google Adds Recipe Suggestions to Mobile Search Results

Google has a new mobile interface for recipe search results, as spotted today by Alex Chitu. After searching for a dish, there’s now a sizable list of tappable keywords that appear at the top of search results.

The new keyword carousel can help you narrow down your search from “french toast” to “french toast casserole”, for example. It’s also a useful tool for discovering ways to put a new twist on an old recipe.

google recipe search

Underneath the keywords you’ll notice there’s also a carousel of newly designed recipe cards. Tapping on a recipe card will bring you to the page where the recipe is published, while tapping on a keyword will bring you to a new set of Google search results.

Tapping on a recipe idea in the new keyword carousel will help you refine the search. Google brings you to a new page full of relevant recipe cards. In the new page you can continue to tap on the keywords to narrow down your search even further, Google will dynamically update its search results with each selection.

This update currently only applies to US mobile searches.

Category News Mobile SEO
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...