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Google AdSense Coming to iPhone, Android Apps

Google AdSense Coming to iPhone, Android Apps


A couple of days ago, Google announced the beta launch of AdSense for Mobile Apps. This is a new facility which iPhone and Android app developers can use to earn extra bucks by displaying text and image ads on their applications.

According to Google, AdSense for Mobile Apps would give advertisers new ways of reaching their potential customers and application developers to show the best ads to their users. The program has already been tested with some and Google thought that the program is now ready for public consumption.

So, if you are an app developer you might want to read all about AdSense for Mobile Apps here to find out how you can implement this on the next iPhone or Adroid app that you are going to release.

What Google may have failed to mention is whether app users would like to see these ads on the applications they use. I’m a voracious iPhone app user and personally don’t mind seeing this ads on free apps. After all I don’t pay for this free apps and it’s a good way to encourage apps developers to come up with more free apps.

But when it comes to paid iPhone and Adroid apps, I don’t think mobile phone owners would be open to the idea of seeing these AdSense ads.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...