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Google AdWords Editor 9.8.1 is Out

Google AdWords

Google once again released a new desktop version for its AdWords Editor. Google AdWords Editor 9.8.1 allows users to add and edit dynamic search ads and product listing ads. Each of the ad formats has its own tab, and it can be managed under the new targeting tabs.

What’s New with AdWords Editor 9.8.1

Featured on the revised AdWords Editor is the new dynamic search ads. It allows users to manage their dynamic search ad extensions, dynamic search ads, and dynamic ad targets in AdWords Editor. There is also the product listing ads that enables users to manage their product listing ads and product targets in the AdWords Editor.

Also found under the Targeting tabs is the Location tabs, where users can add, update and copy location targets. This means that this feature no longer appears on the Campaigns tab. Google also updated the user interface’s text, which is consistent across the entire website’s settings. This includes delivery method, ad rotation, display network, exact and phrase match, targeting method, and exclusion method.

In addition, the search engine giant changed its CSV imports and exports. The changes in CSV import now let users change the display and destination URL of an advertisement. On the other hand, the new CSV export includes the following changes:

Fewer Status Columns:

Status are now condensed into three columns—Campaign Status, Ad Group Status and Status for everything else.

Deleted CSV Export:

Instead of blank, deleted items on the CSV export can be seen under the “Deleted” area in the Status column.

Local Extension Status Control:

CSV export shows “Deleted” in the status column for locally deleted extensions; otherwise, it will be blank. Moreover, the Location Extensions tab no longer has a Status drop-down.

Google also employed visual changes for the AdWords Editor 9.8.1. This includes rearranging the tabs to accommodate new ad types and targets. There were also updated keyboard shortcuts and flexible tab width. Also part of the redesigned AdWords Editor is the quick links to tools, such as the Replace text, Append text and Change capitalization, which now appears on the Ad Groups and Campaign tabs.

The next time users launch their AdWords Editor, they will see a prompt to upgrade to version 9.8.1. Google will continue to support the previous versions of AdWords Editor for four months. However, they will require all users to upgrade by October 28.

Category Social Media
Aki Libo-on

Aki is a content strategist, marketing consultant, and former assistant editor of SEJ. When not at work, she is busy ...