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Google Analytics Just Added New Time Saving Widgets

Google Analytics just released the ability to create widgets inside of the Dashboard. Click here to read the post.

Shortly after Google Analytics received real time reporting, they released new time saving widgets. These widgets are available in the Dashboard area.

When you log into your analytics account and visit the Dashboard, you’ll see the new ‘+ Add Widget’ button. It looks like this:

add widget

Let’s set up a widget together. For an example, let’s say we want to see all of the real time traffic that is visiting from England. It would look like this:

To set this up, you can see the options I chose by looking at where I put blue dots. I gave the widget a name, selected 2.1 Counter, Traffic Type, Country/Territory, and entered in England.

england widget

There’s room for several widgets to be added. This allows you to compare data side by side. I believe this will be a complete time saver.

What do you think of these new Google Analytics widgets? Will you use them?

Category SEO
Adam Morgan COHI Marketing

Adam Morgan is a PPC expert, entrepreneur, blogger, and amiable guy. In his spare time, you can find him updating ...