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Google Analytics Sports a New Look

After a long wait, the five year old Google Analytics gets a much needed update. The new version sports a new interface for better customization and collaboration. The new features of Google Analytics includes:

  • Email and export reports: Schedule or send ad-hoc personalized report emails and export reports in PDF format.
  • Custom Dashboard: No more digging through reports. Put all the information you need on a custom dashboard that you can email to others.
  • Trend and Over-time Graph: Compare time periods and select date ranges without losing sight of long term trends.
  • Contextual help tips: Context sensitive Help and Conversion University tips are available from every report.


The new version will be rolled out to Google Analytics members’ account next week, so expect major changes the next time you login to your accounts. With this new development in its web analysis service, Google hopes to encourage more business websites to utilize its services. The new Google Analytics’ site analysis systems and features would be very useful for corporate and business websites hoping to study user trends in their respective blogs.

Likewise, the more serious probloggers who wants to study their blogs’ performance in terms of monetization and keyword optimization, would benefit from using the new version of Google Analytics.

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...