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Google Announces Adwords Placement Reporting System

To give advertisers better ROI with their ad campaigns running on Adwords, Google is providing advertisers with a new Placement Performance Report. This new reporting system shows the exact sites where advertisers’  campaigns  appear  within Google’s content network. Aside from this, the placement report also gives ad performance metrics which includes:

  • domain,
  • URL,
  • impression,
  • click,
  • conversion data,
  • cost data

This Reporting System is an effective tool for Adwords advertisers to fully monitor the performance of their ad campaign and determine which among the sites where their ads appear are generating considerable amount of, and high quality click conversion returns.

With this new system, advertisers could then act accordingly as to which sites in Google’s content network they would want their ads to continue appearing or tell Google which sites should be included in the sites that display their ads.

Google certainly loves their advertisers. And being Google’s major milking cow, Google has to make sure that these advertisers are well taken cared of and given value for their money.

The Adwords Placement Performance Reports is now available to U.S. advertisers while the rest of the international advertisers would have to wait some time before the reporting system becomes available in their Adwords account.

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...