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Google Buys ZAO Begun, It’s a Contextual Ad Company Folks

Whatever Google’s intention and purpose were for buying Russian contextual ad company called ZAO Begun is, only them knows. But we’re free to speculate, it’s a free web after all.

So for those who are not in the loop prior to reading about this news (that includes me), ZAO Begun is part of the internet portal called Rambler. More specifically Rambler owns 50.1 percent of the Begun, so it needs to buy the 49.9 percent from Bannatyne Limited first before selling the whole firm to Google. After this deal is done, Rambler’s net gain from the deal is predicted to reach around after all direct costs associated with the transaction.

We wouldn’t go into deeper into the detail of ZAO Begun history. It is enough that we know that it was established in 2002. Since its inceptiopn, Begun was able to build itself as an advertising and dealer network.e taxation and minority interest of about $3.4 million.

In addition, Rambler and Google have also reached an agreement on search and advertising deal for Rambler.ru portal while continuing to operate its own web property.

Any guess on what or how much could possibly be Google’s stake in this deal?

Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...