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Google Call Only Ads Now Include Link Option

Google Call Only Ads Now Include Link Option

Google Ads has announced their Call Only ads now offers advertisers the option to include a link to their website.

This announcement also coincides with a renaming of the offering from “Call Only Ads” to simply “Call Ads.”

The “visit website” option will make the ad unit slightly larger, with the main headline of the ad still resulting in a phone call.

How is This Different?

Previously Call Only ads limited functionality to a single clickable headline, which would automatically dial the phone number input by the advertiser.

The new feature will still be an option, and not a requirement.

Google recommends utilizing the new feature to help reduce the likelihood of mistaken clicks. It will prevent more accidental calls by users who mistakenly think the headline will take them to a website like other search ads do.

How Do I Activate the URL Feature?

When setting up a Call Ad, there is now a field for “Final URL,” just like there is in search ads. It’s noted as a “recommended” field.

Note this differs from the Verification URL field, which is used to confirm phone number validation.

Existing ads can be updated with the Final URL feature now, which was activated for use today.

What Do New Call Ads Look Like to Users?

Like search ads, there is also the option for “display path.” This renders specified values after the Final URL when it shows to users. The user experience looks like this:

Call Ads Include URL Tracking

Also like search ads, there are tracking template fields in the ad setup screen.

This means you can continue to use tagging and tracking templates as you would on any other paid search ad, and they will pass through when the “visit website” option is clicked.

Detailed instructions on setting up Call Ads can be found here, which are already updated with Final URL feature.

Call Ads will continue follow all the same policies as traditional paid search ads.

The official announcement can be read here.

Image credit: Susan Wenograd

Category News SEO PPC
Susan Wenograd Consultant

Susan is the Paid Media Reporter for Search Engine Journal. A marketing veteran of almost 20 years, she has managed ...