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Google Chrome 9 Is Unleashed

Google makes such frequent updates to Google Chrome that hardly anyone hears about them anymore. As such, when Google decides to make a splash with a new version, it usually means something important. The most recent update to Chrome received media attention for at least three reasons: Google has reached the 9.0 release versions, several key features have been added, and the timing for the release of the new version is actually credited to the Reddit community.

The 9.0 versions for build numbers represents another step forward, but what does it mean as far as features are concerned? According to Google’s Chrome blog, there are three key components here. First, we have improvements to the Chrome Web Store’s ease-of-access from your browser. A link is now positioned in the “new tab” window, and two sample applications are automatically loaded into the browser. Second, we have WebGL, a set of improvements to the browser that allow for 3D graphics for applications in the browser; this is a key feature for the future of Google, especially as it comes to gaming and the concept of a browser-based computer OS. And third, we have “Chrome Instant,” a feature that’s disabled by default but which will start loading sites even before you’ve finished typing their URL.

Another interesting side-note is the credit Google gives to the Reddit community — specifically “for playing so much of the game ‘Z-Type’ that they uncovered a Chromium audio bug.”

Chrome 9.0.597.84 is the current release, and all Chrome users should automatically update to that version assuming there are no issues with connecting to the update server. Those who haven’t been updated (you can find your current version by going to Settings > About Google Chrome) can simply visit chrome.google.com to download the newest version.

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...