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Google Contributes to the Bolder Boulder Race

Google has over 200 offices located around the globe, and representatives at each branch work hard to become positive members of the local community. That includes through time spent at the Google office, thanks to the 20% time granted to each employee. One great example of Googlers’ community contributions can be seen through the Google Earth and Maps creations designed for the Bolder Boulder race.

The Bolder Boulder, or just “Bolder” if you prefer, is one of the most popular 10k marathons in the United States. Last year there were 54,000 total participants, and that’s not including the huge slew of corporate sponsors and organizers. The Bolder stands out in a few ways: Instead of having a mass start time where everyone travels like a very fast herd of cattle, the race is separated into waves, with faster runners, casual runners, joggers, and walkers separated into their own divisions. Second, the streets of Boulder, Colorado are lined with entertainers for the events. This year, thirty-one total entertainers – including bands – will be performing along the raceway.

Google team members got together to add a new feature to the Boulder Bolder: an interactive embedded map that uses Google Earth and a detailed Google Maps map of parking areas, closed roads, and other important details associated with the event. The interactive map can be viewed by anyone with the Earth plugin, and includes 3D models of prominent buildings as well as race-specific structures. Users can even “run the race” by pushing a button at the top-left of the map interface. Meanwhile, those who want to view the detailed map of event details need only visit the official Bolder site. Those in the area who want to register can also do so online through that same site, while the rest of us can enjoy a virtual race thanks to Google’s Boulder representatives.

[via the Google LatLong Blog]

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...