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Google is Developing Web Standards for Instant Loading Non-AMP Content

Google is Developing Web Standards for Instant Loading Non-AMP Content

Google is taking what it learned from AMP and developing web standards that will allow non-AMP content to load instantly.

In an announcement from Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, the team revealed its plans for the future rollout of these web standards.

Content developed using this new set of web standards will appear in certain areas of Google Search, such as the Top Stories carousel.

Malte Ubl, Tech Lead for the AMP Project at Google, states:

”Based on what we learned from AMP, we now feel ready to take the next step and work to support more instant-loading content not based on AMP technology…”

In addition to this future set of web standards, Google intends to continue investing strongly in developing AMP in the areas of:

  • Engaging storytelling experiences with AMP Stories
  • Dynamic email
  • JavaScript in AMP
  • E-commerce
  • Deep integrations between platforms and content into Google Search

Ubl goes on to explain how the future web standards will make it possible to bring AMP’s embeddability features to non-AMP content:

”We now feel confident that with iframe performance isolation through site isolation or cooperative multitasking, web packaging, Feature Policies, iframe promotion, and a document opt-in, it’ll be possible to make such features available to non-AMP web content that implements those standards.”

Before the new web standards are rolled out throughout Google Search they will undergo extensive testing. The web standards will only be implemented if the results are positive for users.

Rolling out these web standards also depends on the progress of standardization and browser implementations, Google says, so it’s not possible to estimate when these changes will roll out.

Category News SEO
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...