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Google Inks Advertising Deal with DISH Network

Google announced that it will be selling commercials to the 125 national programming networks of Echostar DISH Network, U.S. second largest satellite service.

Under the said deal, advertisers can bid on Google’s ad spots via Adwords’ automated auction. Advertisers will have a free hand on uploading their advertisements and can even target the TV programs where their advertisements will be shown. The ads will be inserted into the operators’ server from Google’s online platform which is tied into the operators’ server online.

Already, skeptics are seeing this deal as detrimental to the welfare of traditional media advertisers and it might also cause channel conflict with YouTube ads which Google also serves. On the other Google and Echostar assures that this deal will be beneficial to small advertisers since their target audiences are more specific and Google’s technology will enable to target specific demographics where their ads will be served.

But from the point of view of advertisers, what guarantees do they have that their ads really reach the target audience. Unlike online advertising where advertisers either pay Google per page impressions or page views, how is Google going to charge advertisers for TV ads then?

That will be answered as soon as advertisers start buying ad spots on DISH network as soon as this deal’s specific details are laid out. By then, we will know if Google can conquer the TV advertising the same way it conquered other media.

Read full coverage at CNET News and Yahoo Tech News.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...