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Google Employees Take G1 Dream Phone Instead of Cash Gift

Then annual Google tradition (or shall we say obligation?) of giving out holiday cash gift  to its employees worldwide is not happening this year. Google is putting this annual practice into halt and instead decided to hand out the G1 Android Phone to all its employees worldwide.

Aside from replacing the holiday cash gift, Google decided to distribute a free phone as a way for Google to test the product through its worldwide employees. Employees coming from countries where the G1 Android phone has not been released, Google is giving out $400. This is $600 less than the usual $1000 cash given to Google staff.

In an official memo to its employees Google told them:

 “The holiday bonus is a Google tradition — it’s a great way to thank everyone for their hard work. In the past, we’ve done this in cash. This year, we’ve decided to give Googlers a different kind of present — a Dream phone.”

Much as we would not want to comment on this, we couldn’t for the simple reason that it is very unusual for a company who have grown leaps and bounds through the years in terms of corporate revenue. The economy may be on a slumping turn, but Google with its billions of earning are yet directly affected.

A gift is a gift a gift, and being the recipient, the  Google employees should just be thankful enough, and look ahead on what this action from Google means in the near future.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...