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Google AdWords Now On Google News

If you’re from the U.S. and you use Google News stream to get your daily news fix. More particularly if you’re using Google News’ search engine, you’ve probably noticed that the Google News search results  now display text ads side-by-side with the search results. This is of course part of Google’s experiment on exploring possible avenues for their clients’ paid ads, or perhaps it’s the companies way of making full use of its online property.  Google has been implementing this ad scheme on its Google Book Search and of course on Google main search property.

Of course it is quite understandable for Google to explore these possibilities. It’s just a way of putting their dormant properties into something that would earn some amount for the company. And it is also expected that users might be appalled by this sudden change. 

If you look at it closely, users who are ranting about these changes may have a point. After all Google started Google News with no ads at all. And users like it for that.  Unfortunately Google failed to see the merit of  the clamor of Google News Search. It’s a business move, plain and simple.

Now is the right time to think of what will be the next online property that Google would use to display its paid ads.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...