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Google Experiments on New Search Views

Finally Google maybe realizing that there’s more to being a search engine than giving relevant search results. Over at Google’s experimental lab, several new views for its search results pages are being tested. Aside from the traditional search results views that we used to get, additional search views might be offered soon – map view, timeline view and information view.

Map view – plots some of the key locations contained in Google search results onto a Google map. This is useful when conducting search about location-specific search terms. With the use of Google maps, the location of the search results are plotted and displayed side by side with the search results.

Timeline view – It pretty does the same thing as the map view but this time for date-sensitive search results giving users a good grasp of the timeline of search results found on the web. Sitting on the top of the search results is a graph which summarizes the timeline of the search results. This timeline graph is interactive and can be zoomed in our out to see specific time frame. Search results can also be filtered with specific time range.

Info view – On the right side of the search results pages are clickable links to additional information about the search results. Users can click on those links to see additional information related to the search results such as dates, measurements, locations, and images. The info view is useful when user encountered many search results and would like to find out which among these results answers what the user is looking for.

Heads up to Google search for this improved search views. Makes you love the search engine part of Google more.

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...