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Google & Clear Channel Do Radio Advertising

Google and Clear Channel Communications, a radio channel with almost 675 radio stations, have entered into a deal which will allow the internet search giant to place advertising on all Clear Channel Communications radio stations.

From the Google Press Center:

Clear Channel Radio and Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), today announced a multi-year agreement that enables Google to sell a guaranteed portion of 30-second advertising inventory available on more than 675 of Clear Channel’s AM/FM stations. Specific financial terms are not being disclosed.

This deal would leverage Google’s entry into another form of media advertising which actually started late last year when it tested its radio advertising.

With this new deal, Google has added profit making campaign to its foremost income generating schemes which is paid advertising. Last month, Google has entered into a deal with DISH network, the second largest satellite service in the U.S., under the EchoStar Communications Corp.

Greg Sterling of Sterling Intelligence adds

“There’s both a national and a local ad play here. Radio is one of the audiences Eric Schmidt has said Google cannot reach with search (e.g., “drive time”). And this move seems to erase (at least at the PR level) the persistent problems Google has been reportedly having with its radio efforts and dMarc.”

Now, that Google had placed its advertising campaign on almost all forms of media, what is left now is to find whether which of these media would bring in more cash into Google’s bank.

Is it radio, TV or online advertising? And what is left for the competitors to enter into? Would Microsoft and Yahoo follow Google’s radio advertising campaign?

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...