While Google has released a myriad of tools to help webmasters, one of their best-known and most pragmatic is Google Analytics. Provided as a free resource for webmasters, Analytics nonetheless manages to be one of the most advanced, most detailed, and easiest to understand site analysis tools. While remaining intuitive enough that beginning users can get started without much worry, it’s also a powerful enough resource that a library of books has been written about it.
If you’re looking to move up the scale from “novice” to “advanced,” Google has a conference for you. GAUGE, or “Google Analytics Users’ Great Event,” will be taking place on March 17th and 18th in San Francisco. While the Google Analytics will have team representatives present, many of the speakers and workshop leaders will be from the Analytics analysis industry. One such person, the keynote speaker Justin Cutroni, has authored three books on the topic, blogs about it, and works full-time as a consultant. Other big industry names include Phil Mui and Nick Mihailovski of Google, Caleb Withmore from Analytics Pros, Feras Ahlou of E-Nor, and many others.
For those who don’t like sitting around and listening to experts ramble, Google assures users that the event will be “insanely practical,” offering an opportunity to “learn from Google Analytics pros and peers” through presentations, group workshops, and one-on-one mentoring. Topics covered, be it in panels, seminars, or direct counseling, will include proper training, effective implementation, the fundamentals of Analytics, marketing analysis, and more.
The event will cost $495 for a single day or $895 for both. Interested individuals can find more details and register on the official GAUGE site. You can use the code GBLOG10 to get a 10% discount.
[via the Google Analytics Blog]